

What's up, airsoft land! I'm back from summer break at school, starting out my Sophomore year. I got a lot more airsofts htis summer and we had some pretty fun games. There are some new reviews in the review section, and I'll be adding more links and features soon as well. Enjoy!

Welcome to the Headquarters for the ongoing strife we like to call Dorm Combat. College, by nature, is boring. Sure there's rampant alcohol abuse and mind-altering substance use, but that can only entertain people for so long. And if it entertains them any longer, they should most likely seek help.

My roommate Justin and myself decide that we needed to find another hobby besides alcoholism, so we enterted into the gloriously fun and time consuming world of

A little bit on us. We're both freshmen at Wheaton College in Massachuesetts. I'm from Portland, Oregon, which I moved to from the East Bay in California when I was younger. Justin is from Hong Kong but went to high school in Northfield Mass.. Being from Hong Kong, he has known about airsoft for some time, but I am pretty new to it. So I thought I would design a site which catered to those who may have the same monetary restraints as a student, but still are fascinated by this growing sport. Your
commentary is welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!


That's a good question, my friend. Airsoft is a growing sport which requires its participants to utilize various military tactics to complete objectives while having fun and a hell of a rush. But I think I'm getting ahead of myself. Airsoft itself is a product. An airsoft gun is a replica of a firearm which uses spring pressure, electricity, or gas to fire a 6mm BB. It is similar to paintball except better because the guns look just like actual firearms, which gives games a very realistic feel.

The bottom line is, if you want a certain kind of gun, you can probably find it in a airsoft form, from a snub nose revolver to a Vulcan Mini Gun (i.e. A "Gattling" Gun). They are made of hiugh quality plasic and sometimes metal, and, depending on how much you want to spend, can range in price from $20 to $1,000.

Airsoft skirmishes are becoming very popular due to their realism and intense action. In these skirmishes, participants usually dress in actual military garb and run around firing off rounds and trying to complete objectives.



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WARNING: I am not responsible for your actions. You are. Be smart. Wear eye protection. Be safe. Treat every gun, including an airsoft, as a loaded weapon.
