Hi! Welcome to the IA Association of NZ

The 2007 Auckland Anniversary Regatta and IA Champs, was held on 29 January 2007. For further information click on this link: Auckland Anniversary Regatta Association Web site

See also the Google Group IA Association discussion pages
which is under development. 2007 events and results will be posted here.

Welcome to a new IA owner, Gordon Reynolds, who has bought Earl Otway's Moffat Cup winning boat Mitzel - IA 37 - a BofP registration. Photos of Mitzel

For results from the 2006 Regatta and 2006 IA Champs, click on this link: 2006 Auckland Anniversary Regatta

For results from the 2005 Regatta click on this link: Click here to see photos of Gemini, Legacy and Bluo and of the John and Val Harris Trophy.
In good nor'easter breezes on 31 January 2005, Grant Blewett and Chris Mitchell won the QP Rosebowl for line honours overall; Tom Salmon and Kate Jackson won the Alf Harvey Trophy for first on handicap over three races. John and Val Harris were awarded the trophy for their excellent service to the NBYC and Idle-Along Association over 12 years.

For results and photos from the 2004 Regatta : Click here to see Grant and Chris being presented with the Alf Harvey trophy by the NBYC Commodore (330k) and a spreadsheet of 2004 regatta results (60k).

For the latest newsletter and photos and results from the Auckland Anniversary Regatta on Monday 27 January 2003 from Birkenhead Wharf

IA NEWS: Click here to access the IA Newsletter for January 2003 and the Regatta Results (an 82k Word document)

Alf Harvey Trophy Winner: href="AuckRegatta2003/AlfHarveyTrophy_byEC.JPG">Click here to see Ian Black presenting the Alf Harvey trophy to Legacy skipper - 17Kb

Legacy Gemini & GemmaRose: Click here to see Legacy, Gemini and Gemma Rose finishing Race 1 - 316Kb

Auckland Anniversary Regatta - Monday 28 January 2002 from Birkenhead Wharf. .

IA NEWS: Click here to access the IA Newsletter for January 2002 and the Regatta Results (a 81k Word document)

IA PHOTOS: See this David Smith photo of the winner of the Alf Harvey Memorial Trophy in the 2002 Regatta - there are many others in the subfolder AuckRegattaJan2002

IA NEWS: Click here to access the IA Newsletter for December 2001 (a 57k Word document)

IA NEWS: Click here to access the IA Newsletter for February 2001 (a 54k Word document)

Click here to see a photo of IAs racing in the 2001 trophy series off Birkenhead Wharf (photo Terry Reeve)

New!! Aerial Photos of IAs sailing in the Regatta - many thanks to AFA Photography.
If you would like more information contact Terry Fong at AFA Photography
Phone: +64 9 579 6256 www.afa.photo@xtra.co.nz

Click here to see a photo of Paul Wright's Iolanthe from AFA Photography
Note - these photos are about 120K and are slowish to download over a modem.

Also here are some photos of IAs in the late 1940s and early 1950s donated to the IA Association by Bill Williamson.
Click here to download a photo of the IA Topic at Birkenhead in 1947 - a Tif file of about 24K

** Note: If your browser asks you to enter the IA Association Usercode and password, just click on Cancel. **

Click here to see a photo of IAs at the 2000 Trophy Series sent in by Paul Wright

  • PACE: the IA is a fast and exciting two or three person boat
  • GRACE: the IA is a great traditional sailing dinghy
  • SPACE: its broad beam and high boom makes it roomy and comfortable

  • for tall sailors or the whole family
    • The Idle-Along is a marvellous low-cost way to take up racing or harbour cruising

    For further information on the history of the IA at Worser Ba, link to Worser Bay Boating Club.

    IA ASSOCIATION RULES: Click here to read IA Association Rules

    IA PLANS: Write to the Wellington Yachting Association, PO Box 860, WELLINGTON for a copy of the 1960 plans redesigned for plywood by John Spencer. Or click on WYA.