Curt Hennig "Mr. Perfect"


When I got home from work the day Mr. Perfect died I turned on raw first thing and my grandma was in my room and told me that Mr. Perfect died.  I could not believe that he died.  He is one of my favorite wrestlers of all time.  He is my hero.  He had a big impact on my life.  When I was younger I use to pretend I was him and when I was with my friends I would say how I am absolutly perfect and I would say his quotes.  They would get annoyed by that but it was a lot of fun.  No one has entertained me as much as Mr. Perfect has over the years.  He knew how to wrestle watching a Mr. Perfect match is always fun he had tremendous talent in the ring.  Curt Hennig wrestled in the three major promotions in the United States.  He set records and won titles where ever he went.  He won 6 titles in AWA, NWA/WCW and WWF/WWE.  People who do not watch or do not like wrestling ask me why do you like professional wrestling.  Well I have a bunch of answers but if you want just one here it is watch a Mr. Perfect match and listen to a Mr. Perfect interview then you will find out why.  Mr. Perfect talked        great on the microphone and always wrestled great matches.  He never disappointed.  Over the past 10 years professional wrestling lost many great warriors too soon.  In 1993 Andre the Giant died at age 46, Dino Bravo died at age 44, Kerry Von Erich died in his 30's or 40's.  Brian Pillman died in 1997, Owen Hart and Rick Rude in 1999.  British      Bulldog in 2002 now Mr. Perfect in 2003. Despite the Back injury Hennig had the past 12.5 years he has always kept himself in perfect condition that is why it is such a shock he is gone.  I am glad I have all my tapes and memories of Mr. Perfect they will last a life time.  Wrestlers come and go but legends live forever.  Was he perfect I say yes, was he fun to watch and did I enjoy watching him absolutly.  Because he was one of a kind and there was only one Mr. Perfect and you're looking at him.

Quotes             Career            Pictures             Test                Titles

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