Hi I'm blink_3000.
I signed up on 1999-10-31 01:29, but have not moved in yet.
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WAZ UP? My name is Branden and Im going to tell you a little about my self like where im from and what i like to do and not to do. I live in a town thats to small to be wirth taking about this town is called Colton its out side of Portland,OR. I go to CHS (colton high school) the school is okay as long as i have my two buddies Logan and Tyler to hang out with at school and i you are wondering if we ever get into troble well we don't HE! HE! HE!!! Our football team is one of the best football teams in our district. My favorite thing to do is water sports, sports,hang out with friends, listen to music. My favorite band is BLINK-182 they are the best!! favorite movie is Cruel Intations.

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My first day of high school was so scary I thought I was going to shit my pants because i was so scared that was going to get lost or beat up. after I walk through the doors one my first day of high school it didn't seem that bad because i knew almost everone and the lockers were all down one hall. the only bad thing about high school is that there is a lot more home work than there was at the middle school. This is my opinion about the first day of school is,so sign my guestbook telling my about your first day of high school was like or what you think its going to be like. thank you! and if you have questions or want me to add something to this page I can just tell me I the guestbook!

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