Peter M Howell

mob: +30 6937 165253
Our information gathering system is  geared to produce reportable information quickly and  provide timely clear advice to all concerned including  H&M / P&I underwriters, Charterers, Cargo, lawyers,  agents and surveyors .  We will seek to  minimize expense and to reduce time lost on casualty recovery and repairs, and we work 'no cure no pay' .

We are Marine Insurance Claims Average Adjusters specializing in; Collision Recovery,  RDC  & Costs, Marine Engine Damage, Extreme Corrosion,  Negligence,  Fire, Grounding,  Latent Defect , Contact,   Accidental Damages of all types, General Average & Salvage  

Finance & immediate payments on account of   expenses are core elements of our claims and casualty management operation

Salvage, General Average and collision    security products for Underwriters  and the   uninsured.

Forensic adjusting services with specialist   consultants to authenticate adjusted claims   and recoveries.

ISO & ISM consultations in marine and non- marine applications.

Marine hull policy evaluation of terms and   conditions with cover and casualty  evaluations

On line 24/7  with VPN client access to our    secure site claims records and progress    information, and FAQ's

Worldwide associates
On line  enquiry using ICQ:
log in  275 656 770  to access info 4U @ HAA ltd
Naftemporiki news site
Ekathimerini news site
Infomarine world news
Infomarine portal
P Howell & Co [Average Adjusters] Ltd. Cyprus.
Est. 1996
P O Box 50437 , Libra Tower , 23 Olympic Str.
Limmasol ,
tel     : +357 25 363665
fax    :                 341500

PO Box 51311 , Kifissia 14510 ,
tel     : +30 210 6250563 - 4
fax    :                 6206642 & 6251806

Average Adjusting
Marine Casualty Management

A complete  solution

for any casualty  or claim