<BGSOUND SRC="/babyain.rm/userfiles:/user/stelmos.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Hi. Let me tell you about myself.I      like to sit back and relax when I         have the time to do that.I'm working  as a staff nurse at a local   hospital.I  graduated from Polytechnic in July 99 .I'm willing to try out new thigs especially when it comes to things like trailing and bikes...real MotoX  bikes!!!.

Currently I don't have any close frenz. All of them are too busy so I guess I'm a loner now. Been doing loads of things to occupy my time and make me a better person. Life makes us grow hopefully for the better and wiser person. Been looking for more friends before I leave for the land down under.

My hobbies,,,well I don't have any in particular rite  now cause of my working hours I seldom get to do anything I enjoy.But if U ask me about my passion, then I can only tell U that it's MY BIKE!!! I spend my money and my effort mostly on my bike ... and I really like MotoX bikes...those that U can really modify to look like one hell of a god given piece of metal!! That's my passion.

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