Midwest Gun Collectors' Association

SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 2008, was the MGCA Annual Range Day. The event was well attended and everyone had a chance to shoot some of the new offerings, as well as the existing firearms, from the manufacturers present. Mother Nature even cooperated and did not give us any �liquid sunshine� until the event was closing down about 3:00 p.m. A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OF THE INDIVIDUALS, BOTH PARTICIPANTS AND STAFF, WHO HELPED MAKE THIS DAY A GREAT SUCCESS!
Planning for next year�s Range Day has already started. The Club is again looking at the first Saturday in June, which is June 6th. The range is located on county road 00 on the Woodford/Marshal county line just off of Rt 26 between Springbay and Lacon.

The third phase of the range renovation is completed. The lower range #2 pavilion was torn down and has been replaced by a new pavilion and a concrete floor. New shooting benches have been provided. Range #5 has been totally redone. It is a full 100 yd range and the backstop is now to the south not the east as before. We now have six working ranges and an archery range for all members to enjoy. The road to the three pistol ranges is located to the right of the archery range. See the new photos below of the improvements and a better explanation.

The club is selling t-shirts for $15.00 each. They come in sizes L,XL & XXL. If you need a different size let us know & we will try to have it at the November gun show. Contact Greg Crank (309-248-7068) or Kevin Monk (309-443-5339) to purchase a shirt. See PHOTO BELOW for example.

MGCA presents the Peoria Gun Show at the East Peoria Convention Center At The Oaks in East Peoria, Ill. The convention center is located on Washington road on the east side of Sunnyland. The February show was a great success. Over 1500 people attended the show. We hope to attract more dealers and attendees at the November show.

The Peoria 2008 and 2009 show dates are:
  • Feb. 2 & 3 2008 (Sat. & Sun.)
  • Nov. 1 & 2 2008 (Sat. & Sun.)
  • Feb. 7 & 8 2009 (Sat. & Sun.)
  • Nov. 7 & 8 2009 (Sat. & Sun.)

    The shows put on by the Midwest Gun Collectors' Association have all sorts of items on display. Collectors can buy, sell or trade merchandise. Some of the items on display by the vendors include:

  • Antique, rare, and Modern firearms
  • Firearms Safety Information
  • Police Equipment, Military Equipment
  • Camping Equipment, Knives, Clothing
  • Books, Antiques, Jewelry, Rare Coins

    The show hours are from 9am to 4pm. There is fun for the whole family at the Midwest Gun Collectors' Association gun show.
    Any and all firearms transactions are subject to local, federal and state laws.

    For information about the gun show write:
    PO Box 9251
    Peoria, IL 61612

    To rent tables for the gun show call the club telephone number (309) 274-2977
    Or email us at mgca@peoriagunshow.com.

    Check out the pictures below of the gun show or better yet come to the next show!

    We sponsor the Illini Muzzle Loader's shoots as specified below.

    Here are the tenative dates for the 2009 shooting season.

    Saturday March 14 Clay-Bird Shoot Upper Range 1:30 p.m.

    Saturday April 11 Rifle Paper Shoot Range 2 1:30 p.m.

    Sunday April 26 Rifle Paper Shoot Range 2 10:00 a.m.

    Saturday May 9 Pistol Shoot Range 2 1:30 p.m.

    Sunday May 24 Rifle Shoot Range 2 10:00 a.m.

    Saturday June 6 Muzzle-loading Demonstrations as a part of the
    Annual MGCA Open House Upper Range 9:00 a.m.

    Sunday June 21 Clay-Bird Shoot Upper Range 10:00 a.m.

    Saturday July 11 Rifle Paper Shoot Range 2 1:30 p.m.

    Sunday July 19 Pistol Shoot with Informal Cowboy Action Shoot
    Upper Range 10:00 a.m.

    Saturday August 8 Rifle Shoot Range 2 1:30 p.m.

    Sunday August 23 Pistol Shoot Range 2 10:00 a.m.

    Saturday September 12 Rifle Shoot Range 2 1:30 p.m.

    Sunday September 27 Rifle & Pistol Shoot Range 2 10:00 a.m.

    Saturday October 10 ANNUAL MEAT SHOOT Range 2 NOON

    Clay shoots will be open to muzzleloading shotguns or cartridge

    For more information call Tom French 309 246-2073

    The association directors are:
  • Mike James - President
  • Tom French - Vice President
  • Bob Bjerke - Secretary
  • Caryl Crank - Treasurer
  • Bill Fritz - director
  • Greg Crank - Range director
  • Ed King - - director
  • Ernie Rech - Website and Advertising director

  • Click here to contact Federal Officials.
    Click here to contact State Officials.

    Click here to read the current newsletter

    Click here to read the Range Rules and Regulations

    Click here for a membership application form

    Click here to read newsletters from the archives
    Visit these fine dealers at the gun show.
    Click here to see links to dealer websites

    Both entrances to the club have locked gates to protect club members.

    Range #1

    Range #2

    Range #6

    Restrooms are located at range #5 and at range #6 for your convenience.

    The archery range is left of the lower range gate.

    The archery range targets

    The road to ranges 3,4 and 5 right of the archery range.

    Range #3

    Range #4

    Range #5
