Thanks to Robbie for allowing me to use my original banner.
Last update: 03/05/00

You are the  visitor to this site, since: 01/18/00

Welcome to Tommy's  Brass Notes:
I hope this page excites and entertains you.
This is my personal homage to the
New Orleans Brass
E.C.H.L Hockey Team.
Go Brass!!!

Brass RuleIcegators SUCKBrass Rule


This site is updated whenever I get a chance.  I try to update once a week, but usually it's more like once a month.
This site was organized and is maintained using stats provided by:

Internt Hockey Database        AND     Gegs Brass Stats

This page is in no way affiliated with the ECHL, the New Orleans Brass hockey team, or any other league or agency.

(click on one of my pages)
   Current Roster | Where are they now? |
Game Day Warm Up | My Photos |
My Family Hockey Links



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