The 2003 Reunion came and gone, with mostly the same familiar faces. Ann Austin(alberts only living child) joined us again,along with her son Victory. We all really enjoy Ann and Victor's presence.
The food and music was great ,as always!
There will be a renewed effort to get the younger generations envolved in the 2004 Thompson Reunion. We are currently searching for a new site to hold the reunion that offers the kids activities. We will be sending a newsletter out (hopefully twice a year) This is an effort to keep everyone more in tuned with Family happenings. I need everyones help in reporting births,deaths, family news etc....
Note: Please bare with me while I work on this site. I have so much to do it makes my head spend. Check back often. I am adding to it daily. Dont forget to use the forum I set up for all family and visitors alike.
Steve Thompson Clan MacTavish