Welcome to Andy's Home Page!
Last updated: 3/6/00
Surfing, Snowboarding, Mountain Biking, Camping, Music, Photography, Vintage Furniture Collecting.
LINKS - Check out my links page. Web sites I can't live without.
I have been surfing more than half my life. I have also traveled half way around the world in search of good waves and good vibes. My current local is San Francisco, CA where my friends and I bear the frigid waters and pounding surf off Ocean Beach. We recently travelled to the Mentawai Islands off Sumatra in Indonesia. We chartered a boat from Great Breaks International for our journey. I highly recommend it despite the current negative hype in the various surf magazines.

Previous surfaris include: (click on the region for more info and pictures)
Mentawai Islands
, Costa Rica, Panama, Baja Mexico, Dominican Republic, Guam, Puerto Rico, Indonesia - Bali, Lombock, Sumbawa, Hawaii, France, Abaco, Florida to New York, and California (Point Arena - South). Here are some pics of legendary Fort Point, under the Golden Gate Bridge. If you need any info on these places drop me an e-mail.
Snowboarding... broke my back!!!
I broke my back snowboarding. On February 14th, 1999, I broke my back launching big air at Alpine Meadows in Lake Tahoe. I was air-lifted to a hospital in Sacramento where they mended my T12 vertebrae.Click here to check out some gnarly pictures and x-rays of my injury.
I'm a complete amateur. I compensate my lack of photography knowledge with expensive equipment. I'm currently shooting with a Canon EOS-A2e with a 28-105 f4.5-5.6, and a 300mm f4. Most of the pictures on this site were taken with a Nikon 6006 with Tamron lenses. I sold the Nikon cause it was too slow. The Canon is much better for action photography. Photographs always seem to bring back the feeling of the time.
View my Photo Album
Here are links to my brother Paul's two bands. Check them out and listen to his audio files. I have full format CD quality MP3 files of his songs. If you would like a copy of them, e-mail me and I will get it out to you. Let Paul know what you think of his music.
Bastards Of Melody
The Bastards of Melody is a Hoboken, NJ based power pop band. Their music is loaded with great melodies (obviously), catchy lyrics, and driving guitar. My brother wrote, sings and plays rhythm guitar on all the songs. I believe this band will hit the airwaves and the charts in the near future.
Listen to:
The Way It Should Be
Click here to
download an MP3 Player
Violet Truth
Violet Truth is Hoboken based, as well. Lead by female vocalist, Victoria Roty, Violet Truths offerings are folk and blues based. My brother plays lead guitar and has written several of the songs. They can be found gigging around the tri-state area, including NYC.
Vintage Furniture Collecting
I have been collecting furniture since graduating college. I just didn't want the same old furniture that everyone else had. I started with Art Deco and Machine Age, but quickly moved into Mid-Century Modern to the graphic and Opt Art of the 60's and 70's. View My Furniture Collection for pics of my stuff.
E-mail me at andycrane1@yahoo.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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