a site for all things pub, and a pub guide to all those that have been frequented over the years
On Wednesday nights in deepest darkest Essex 4 men of somewhat different character, size, shape and drinking ability meet in Coggeshall, at the Chapel Inn to discuss various topics of current interest and get totally bladdered. A childish act you maybe thinking (especially you ladies out there) but one that has taken years to perfect and lets all be honest, its what blokes do and what blokes do best
Founder Members;
Neil Willis
Specialist Subject  Beers, The Nags, Fine Wines and antagonising his wife
Neil is one of the two 'Founder Members' of the Wednesday Night Beer Night. A true Coggeshall-ite, Neil lives locally and is a conoisseur of real ales and indeed all the finer things in life. He has an unatural obsession with 'Numbers' and 'Wife Beater' though it should be pointed out that this is only ever brought on after a tough day in the office or a tough weekend with his wife shopping in IKEA, understandable, so you can see why he drinks 7 days a week

Ian Succamore
Specialist Subject 
Beers, Whiskey, Projectile Vomiting and not smoking infront of his wife to be. It should also be noted, this man does not own a green suit!
The second 'Founder Member', Ian is the resident Rolf Harris look alike. Although plagued by illness over recent years his never-say-die attitude has earnt him much praise and respect from the other 'Members' in keeping the cause of Wednesday Night Beer Night alive and well. Through wind, rain, snow and illness, and even on one occassion being dropped off after flying back from his holiday with the then 'significant other' he will always be there just to get a few jars inside him. TOP DRAW I hear you say. This does not mean he is an alcoholic (though his love of Whisky is worrying) just a one man crusade in keeping all the Breweries in business.

Matt Pellowe
Specialist Subject   Beers, All things Irish and an amazing knack of not being able to hold down a girlfriend for any particular length of time
Following hot on the heels of the original two esteemed 'Founder Members' Matt is a drinker from the old skool. Having dropped a great chance of a professional career in rugby Matt has devoted his time and money (his own and the banks) to drinking and smoking himself and  those around him into oblivion. A current unmitigated disaster when it comes to the fairer sex this is a man that would be the perfect specimen for any young, rich brunette out there (yes this looks like a plea for a womon but hey, I wrote this bit  so I can do what I want)

Tim Field
Specialist Subject   Beer, Pub Trade, Law?? and Christmas Jumpers
The youngest 'Member' of the quartet, Tim was an 'Associate*' to the Wednesday Night Beer Night having served behind the bar of the Chapel for many a year. Promotion from 'Associate*' to 'Member' was a swift transition following a change in hours and it was plain to see to all other 'Members' that this little round fella had all the traits of a seasoned professional. Not a massive fan of 'Wife Beater' or 'Gin' he does excel in 'Turbo Shandies', Meths, Diesel or White Spirits. In short (and he is) this young man has a fine future in front of him
We welcome all comments on our first site
Other things to come on this new and totally unexciting website!!

A diary will also be arriving soon of details of past trips, weekends and whatever else Ian can come up with - IAN YOU STILL HAVE TO DO THIS YOU LAZY ARAB!

And finally pictures will also be put up of the 4 esteemed 'Members' so all you lovely ladies can start the drooling process! (Tim we will get you laid!!)

Running (no Tim you don't have too really) total in betting account £574.78, at this rate our planned trip to Dublin or the like will be changed for a week in Barbados!
Week beginning Monday 15th March 2004

Bet of the Week
Neil Willis                             a nag at Cheltenham

Last Weeks Result
Matt Pellowe                          A LOSER!!!

Shit Out again!

Most Pissed of the Week
Tim (still Reigning Champion) Tim i remember Saturday even if you don't. Mashed is an understatement! Do you remember you little chat with the nice policeman!

Pool Winner                          Matt Pellowe

Ice-Cream of the Week         Tim, for his Policing skills!
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