The Powers Home Page

Phyllis and Larry Powers
415 W. Ash Street Lebanon Oregon 97355

We are doing fine in our new house in Oregon. Phyllis' feet are giving her a very bad time. She does not have any feeling in them and they hurt 24X7. The doctor has her on pain medicine however it doesn't always do the trick. We are enjoying being with our friends Karen and Mark Hyer. Mark is looking for a new career while Karen and Phyllis go shopping and things like that. Our church callings are keeping us very busy. I have been taking some time off in my calling and Phyllis is 2nd counselor in the relief society. I also do the church internet calandar site. I have been helping with the emergency commucation. We have a emergency net going on simplex on Sundays now.

Ryan has graduated from school. He has moved to Sacramento where he lives with his Girl friend and have a new little baby. He is going to school and is doing O.K.

Theresa, James, Shyanna Love and IBN are doing OK. They have moved to South Carolina where Theresa now has a job. Theresa is working for Wal Mart full time. James is doing fine in High School. James is now a teenager.

Tamara is still being Tamara. She has had her back surgery and is doing well. Her and Sherri will be moving to a new place when they fine one. Michael and Tara are doing fine.

Please check out the Web site. Call us and we can help you out on your shopping needs. Quixtar was Amway and nows has a complete line of products from household items to being able to send presents through the mail for birthdays etc. We have access to everything from soup to nuts including televisions Cars or what ever your need may be. We also have NONI Juice. Thanks and give us a call. Larry and Phyllis

Larry Powers
Phyllis Powers
