The Mongol's Horde

This page was last updated on Sunday, 13 Jan 2008.

News and Info
Photo Album
Rants n Raves
What's New

Welcome to the website of Zane Hembest - Mongols, SCA, Playstation, photos, Warhammer, memoirs & more.
Warning:  I've deleted a load of images so watch out for broken links, of course you could tell me when you find one...

mongolshorde.gif (86550 bytes)

I am treating this site as combination of diary, scrapbook and photo album.  I am not making changes as regularly as I would like, as my time is being sucked up in lots of areas, and I am shuffling PC's.  Not made any updates for a while, but it is still here!

sca.gif (1356 bytes)  marshal.gif (445 bytes) I am  no longer a Marshal, but Fighter Practice info is still here marshal.gif (445 bytes)  badgeani.gif (45599 bytes)

To see the latest site changes I have done, click on the "What's New" link.

NB: At any time clicking on a thumbnail (small picture) will give the full-sized version.


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100% produced by me, see the awards this site has won.

You are person to hit my site.

This is best viewed on my computer.  Failing that, sink a triple vodka and use evil Microsoft IE 4.0