Contents PHOTOS A selection of photos taken at Combat South REVIEWS On airsoft guns that the team owns LINKS To the best airsoft web sites PROFILES Want to know more about us click here E-MAIL Click to e-mail us. |
Hi, and welcome to the Fox Team website. We are a group of airsofters from West Sussex. We have been into airsoft for about 2 years and we decided to make an airsoft club. We are looking for new members so if you're interested then e-mail us with a picture of yourself and the gun or guns that you own. Also we will try to update this site regularly, so come back and see what's changed. We play regularly at Combat South, so if you wish to join us. We can meet up there and discuss it we wish to promote airsoft in West Sussex as much as possible, so if you are at all interested in joining our team or getting into airsoft then e-mail us. Last updated April 01, 2000