Aggressive Inline Skater Page

Pictures Page LinkPictures Tricks Page LinkTricks Equiptment Plans Page Link (including some of my own easy-to-make plans)Ramp/Grind Plans

Hey! Welcome to my inline skating web page. In this web page you can find lots of stuff, everywhere from equiptment blueprints to awesome action shots. Just go to the link that you want see and rock on! Anything you find on my site, you can copy or save like pictures, plans, whatever.

Don't forget to bookmark my aggro skating site!

I've had plenty of problems with making this site in general, so it's not exactly top-of-the-line, but I hope you can find something worth coming here for! If you have any questions, comements or concerns,
just e-mail me using the link below. Thanks for visiting and SKATE FOREVER!!!

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