The Hidden
In 1936 In 1973
The German Supreme Court refused to recognize Jews living in Germany as legal "persons."  From that point on they had no rights or protection under the German Constitution.  Shortly there after the Nazis began their "final solution" - the total extermination of Jews in Europe.  During Hitler's reign over six million Jews were put to death. The U.S. Supreme Court in their Roe vs. Wade decision ruled that unborn babies are not legal "persons."  From that point on  they have no rights or protection under our constituition.  Since that decision over 28 million unborn babies have been put to death by abortion in this country.
Jews are "Sub-Human"
The sub-human, that biologically seemingly complete creation of nature with hands, feet, and a kind of brain, with eyes and mouth, is never the less morally and mentally then any animal....  Sub-human, otherwise nothing.  For all that bare a human face are not equal.
Unborn Babies are "Sub-Human"
Fetuses, especially those as old as five or six months, elicit our sympathy....  Because they look disconcertingly like people; their physical features are recognizably human.  But, this sympathy is misplaced....  Whilte a fetus of five or six months may, perhaps, possess some flickering of sensation or some capacity to feel pain, this is equally to feel pain this is equally true and probably even more true of creatures like fish or insects....  a proper respect for the right to life requires that it not be respected where it does not exist.
Jews Are "Parasites"
Adolph Hitler stated in Mein Kampf, "[Jews] are a parasite in the body of other people."
Unborn Babies are "Parasites"
A woman have the right right to abortion just as she has a right to remove any parosetic growth from her body.
Jews are a "Mass"
"It had nothing to do with humanity....  It was mass," Franz Stangi, Treblinks commandment explaining how he views his part in the destruction of almost 1 million men, woman and children.
Unbron Babies are a "Mass"
"What is aborted is a protoplasmic mass and not a real, live, grown up individual."  This statement was made by Dr. J. F. McDermott and W.F. Char in an effort to pacify nurses at a Hawaiian hospital when they become extremely upset by "dead futuses and places of limbs, fingernails, and hair" in the operating room.
Killing Jews is Simply "Evacuation"
In an official Nazi report of the fate of 15,000 Jewish woman and children killed in the area of Serbia in mobile gas vans, it simply stated that they had been "evacuated."
Killing Unborn Babies is Simply "Evacuation"
Between 1970 and 1977, California millionaire - abortionist Dr. Edward Alfred was personally responsible for destroying 35 thousand human lives before birth, including some 7 thousand mid-trimester abortions by salf poisining.  When asked by a reporter what happens in an abortion, Dr. Alfred said: "the contents are evacuated.
Killing Jews Is "Medical Research"
To justify the concentration camp expirements, Dr. August Hirt supplied this rational.  "These condemned men will at least make them selves useful," he said.  "Wouldn't it be rediculous to execute them and send their bodies to the crematory oven without giving them an oppurtunity to contribute to the progress of society."
Torturing Unborn Babies Is "Medical Research"
In 1980, Dr. Marlti Kekomald justified conducting expirements involving slicing open the stomachs and cutting off the heads of live late term aborted babies.  "An aborted baby is just garbage and that's where it ends up," he declared.  "Why not make us of it for society?"

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