Mae govannen, mortal, and welcome to the home of The Black Blades, Dark Angel Keep.

Dark Angel Keep-Main Gate
Main Gates


Naztuil's History

History of the Black Blades

History of Naztuil's Drow

World Info.

God List


Characters of Naztuil

World Rules

Naztuil's Drow

Races and Classes

Chaos Lords

Drow Elves

Avariel Elves

Other Stuff

Web of Fantasy

Attention all Gamers!

Cool Links

About Naztuil's Creator

Myths, Poems, and Stories of Naztuil


This website is best viewed with the FULLSCREEN option of your browser.

Here you will find information on Chaos Lords, Drow, Avariel, and other things relating to AD&D.

Here you will also find out the rules of my world, Naztuil.

The history of Naztuil.

The History of our clan, The Black Blades, and what is yet to come.

Info on my favorite "Race" the Chaos Lords.

My favorite TRUE race, Drow.

Wonder why I'm a Winged Drow Elf? It's the Avariel in me!

Ever wanna learn Elvish, like me?

What's New

07/29- Hey guys, I'm back. Updated everything, Links section, a few of the things in here were broken (go figure)hmm...Let's see.....I'm going to OzzFest, not that any of you care. I stuck up all the old news that I missed. You've probably heard it, but in case you haven't it's there. Check it out. I suggest you to check out the links section. You'll find a place that has FFIX cutscenes, and the intro. Enjoy yourselves. I promise an update once a week at least from now on. =)

06/08- Sorry it took me so long for another update. I just put in about 3 days of news. I've been pretty much gettin' ready for my move outta hell...*Evil Ass Laugh*oh..sorry. Anyway, AS OF THE 21st I CANNOT PROMISE ANY UPDATES, ON ANY SECTIONS, UNTIL EARLY TO MID AUGUST. I put the FFIX spoilers under a link, so that you can check out other stuff, without hitting the spoilers...damn, I'm a nice guy, eh?

06/02- Don't worry, I haven't dissapeared again, just haven't been posting the updates. I've found some new news for the AAG section, it's just a matter of posting them. I'll warn you now, if you love Final Fantasy, but Don't Want Spoliers don't check it out. Heh. I assure you, there ARE PLOT SPOILERS concerning FFIX. Anyway, I got the Phoenix and Sephiroth characters up, I don't have the stats on Sephiroth's Unique magick item, or his list of gems. I tell you, 150 gems is a bitch to type up. Heh. Anyway, off to go kill shit. Mwahahaha.... Enjoy yourselves.

05/14- Whoa, I've been gone awhile!! Hey, I updated the links, and the Attention All Gamers sections. I also joined another webring. Sorry it took me so long, but hey, I'm back and ready to rock!!!

04/05- GOD! I'm DONE!!! YEEEEAAAAHHHH!!!!! Damn, I'm surprised it went so quick. Good thing I decided to just be lazy and copy-and-paste. Maybe I should've used FrontPage or something...oh well, too late now.

04/04- Wow, I'm almost done. THANK GOD! Although this didn't take very long, it's still been a real pain in the ass. I hope it will be worth it in the end. Well, anyway, thank you all for bearing with me, yadda yadda yadda. Let's see...So far I've gotten all of the pages up to the Web of Fantasy done, so I think I'll leave the rest for tommrow!

04/04- MuSt....See....GUNDAM WING.....urgghhh

04/03- Dammit, I screwed up big time.*sighs* I kinda forgot to add one of the links. Well, I fixed it, after about 15 minutes of work.*grumble* I've got 20 minutes left in class, so I don't think I'll get much more done. Oh well, sorry. All I've got to say is HTML is a pain in the ass. At least one thing good came out of that 20 minutes, I found an error in the "GODS" section, which was making the whole page underlined. hehe.

04/03- I've got all the shell's up, nothing on any of the pages except for of them...hehe...I'll probably get a few of the pages done, but probably not all of them. After all, I AM at skool...heh heh

04/02- Well, so far it's 2:06 PM, I moved all the webrings and stuff to the main page*that is, the place where you chose Frames or No-Frames*. I think I'll go play Diablo now. More later...mayb

04/01- The Main Gates section is up, I'll probably go to sleep now, it's 2...wait, 3:30 AM. Dammit, one less hour of sleep. Oh well, more tommrow, unless I get sucked into Diablo or Quake 3. heh heh.

03/20- Right now, the site is undergoing some MAJOR changes. As you have noticed, I am putting in a no-frames section*as you can see, since you're reading this*. This will take awhile, as I'm not too good with tables...but by the time I'm done, I sure as hell will be.

As of July 1st I won't be able to update the page for a month, maybe two. The reason? Well, that's because I'm moving to Washington State. I know, I know, you guys will miss me*yeah right* but hey, it wasn't my decision, I'd rather have moved to Alaska!*grumble*. If I can, I'll get one of my buddies to edit the Attention Gamers section, but I can't promise anything.