Project Primary is a collaboration of professors from the departments of Botany-Microbiology, Chemistry, Education, Geology,
Physics, and Zoology at Ohio Wesleyan University and K-3 teachers from Ohio's Delaware, Marion, and Union Counties
to produce hands-on activities for the teaching of science.
These are intentionally not detailed lesson plans. The teacher is encouraged to incorporate the activities into
lessons which meet the instructional goals set by his/her district. Please read the article on the appropriate use of
activities (Constructivism). The activities may be viewed by choosing a category below.
To return to this main page from any pages within the Project Primary Web Site, click the house symbol. |
![[ Home ]](3houseb.gif) |
Project Primary was supported by a grant (#6-44) from the Eisenhower Program, administered by the Ohio Board of Regents (65%);
a grant from the Ohio Wesleyan University Howard Hughes Program sponsored by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Undergraduate Biological Sciences Education Program (25%);
and Ohio Wesleyan University (10%). |
A limited number of hard copies of these activities are available for $7 each to cover the cost of duplication and postage. Send your
request for Project Primary activities and check payable to Ohio Wesleyan to Dr. Michael Grote, Ohio Wesleyan
University, Delaware, OH 43015. |
If you are forced to scroll horizontally to see the entire page, please visit the version enhanced for 640x480 resolution.
Project Primary is a collaboration of professors from the departments of Botany-Microbiology, Chemistry, Education, Geology,
Physics, and Zoology at Ohio Wesleyan University and K-3 teachers from Ohio's Delaware, Marion, and Union Counties
to produce hands-on activities for the teaching of science.
These are intentionally not detailed lesson plans. The teacher is encouraged to incorporate the activities into
lessons which meet the instructional goals set by his/her district. Please read the article on the appropriate use of
activities (Constructivism). The activities may be viewed by choosing a category below.
To return to this main page from any pages within the Project Primary Web Site, click the house symbol. |
![[ Home ]](3houseb.gif) |
Project Primary was supported by a grant (#6-44) from the Eisenhower Program, administered by the Ohio Board of Regents (65%);
a grant from the Ohio Wesleyan University Howard Hughes Program sponsored by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Undergraduate Biological Sciences Education Program (25%);
and Ohio Wesleyan University (10%). |
A limited number of hard copies of these activities are available for $7 each to cover the cost of duplication and postage. Send your
request for Project Primary activities and check payable to Ohio Wesleyan to Dr. Michael Grote, Ohio Wesleyan
University, Delaware, OH 43015. |
If you are forced to scroll horizontally to see the entire page, please visit the version enhanced for 640x480 resolution.