Welcome to the all new Old Fat Paddler's rant and rage pages. Yup, I refuse to go quietly into that good night, and with a more powerful HTML editor it might just prove dangerous. I still think respect should be be paid to your elders, no matter how beardy, no matter how much they insist on using whistles and ace helmets. If you were once a great paddler with amazing stories which, inexplicably, no-one wants to listen to anymore, welcome: you're amongst good friends. Join me in a a good old rant. Still, I'd like to contribute a bit more to the web, and to paddling than just ranting about the good old days. Let's face it, you glorify the past when your future dries up - Bono said that but I have a feeling that he stole it from John Lennon. Anyway, as well as a rant, I'm adding a new section, in which I'll attempt to give you the lowdown on paddling in Ireland. Not just the rivers, mind, but the places to stay, the places to drink and the like.
A note for any American readers: This site makes liberal use of sarcasm and irony (that's different from Bronzy or Goldy). You have been warned. And yes, I know that sarcasm is the higest form of ignorance, but, hey, wotcha gonna do???
Any comments or suggestions? Abuse or indignation ? Questions or queries? Mail me....
But at least someone has finally used it! Feel like letting other paddlers know about great rivers in your region? Simply go to my River Guide form, fill in the details and allykabingo! It'll be included in my river guide. Seeing as the only folks to use the fab form above have been American, I've upgraded my river guide to the outrageously named: Click on the title for the "ultimate" paddling directory If anyone else, from any country feels like adding any of their favourite rivers or playspots, use the form
I also have a paddling discussion forum, anything ya feel like addin',
Those nice people at Geocities have given me a guestbook to play with: Leave a Message, Read a Message, Whatever....
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