The Past and Present History of
West Bend East Football


The East Single Game Records

Total Offense- 368 Brian Schroeder- 1999 vs West Bend West
Most Points Scored- 30 Paul Luedtke-1994 vs Grafton
Most Pass Attempts- 35 Jason Wiedmeyer- 1996 vs Green Bay West
Most Pass Completions- 19 Brian Schroeder-1999 vs Wisconsin Luthern
Most Receptions- 11 Ryan Rohlinger- 1999 vs West Bend West
Most Recieving Yardage- 292 Ryan Rohlinger- 1999 vs West Bend West
Longest Completion- 98 yds. Jeff Rondorf to Tony Spaeth-1985 vs West Bend West
Longest Run from Scrimmage- 99 yds. Rich Haczinski- 1990 vs Watertown
Longest Punt Return For TD- 60 yds. Chuck Walter- 1996 vs Grafton
Longest Kick-Off Return For TD- 91 yds. Robb Steiner-1996 vs Grafton
Longest Field Goal- 49 yds. Adam Wood- 1996 vs West Bend West
Most TD Passes In A Season- 18 Brian Schroeder 1999
Most Interceptions In A Season- 9 Mark Nelson 1989


Most Points Career
Tony Spaeth           1985-87         180
Keith Jurss              1979-80        116
Travis Thull            1987-89        112
Lee Hutchins           1988-90         100

Most Points Season
Travis Thull            1989          106
Tony Spaeth           1987            90
Keith Jurss              1980           78
Ryan Rohlinger       1999            78

Most TD's Career
Tony Spaeth           1985-87        28
Keith Jurss              1979-80       19
Lee Hutchins           1988-90       18
Travis Thull            1987-89       17 
Tony Michels         1980-82        15

Most TD's Season
Travis Thull            1989            16
Keith Jurss              1980            13

Tony Spaeth           1987             13
Ryan Rohlinger       1999             13

Passing Attempts Career
Justin Larson          1997-98         342
Jason Wiedmeyer   1995-96          319

Pass Completions Career
Justin Larson          1997-98         151
Tony Michels         1980-82         127 Jason Wiedmeyer    1995-96         110

Defensive Points Career
Rob Meyer             1998-99          456
Bob Westerman      1970-71          439
Jim Baker               1997-98         387
Mike Wendt           1996-97          345

Adam Wood           1997-98         322
Justin Rose             1997-98         300

East Individual Records

Total Offense Career
Tony Spaeth             1985-87            3695
Tony Michels           1980-82            2804
Justin Larson            1997-98            2395
Jason Wiedmeyer      1995-96            2013
Brian Schroeder        1998-99            1882

Total Offense Season
Brian Schroeder       1999                 1741
Tony Spaeth           1987                 1672
Justin Larson           1998                 1621
Mike Casper            1987                 1411
Jason Wiedmeyer     1996                 1395

Rushing Yardage Career
Tony Spaeth             1985-87            2615
Keith Jurss                1979-80           1714
Travis Thull              1987-89          1549
Lee Hutchins             1988-90           1504
Tony Michels            1980-82           1158

Rushing Yardage Season
Tony Spaeth               1987                 1218
Travis Thull               1989                 1018

Rushing Yardage Game
Paul Luedtke             1993  Beaver Dam  241
Tony Spaeth             1987  Wisco      233
Jason Wiedmeyer      1996  New Holstein  226

Passing Attempts Season

Jason Wiedmeyer    1996               201
Justin Larson          1998              189

Defensive Points Season
Rob Meyer                 1998            230
Rob Meyer                 1999            226
Mike Wendt               1996            222
Jim Baker                   1998            210

Pass Completions Season
Brian Schroeder     1999     94
Justin Larson         1998     87
Jason Wiedmeyer   1996     71

Passing Yardage Career
Justin Larson     1997-98  2435
Tony Michels     1980-82  1646
Brian Schroeder  1998-99  1438

Passing Yardage Season
Justin Larson     1998      1509
Brian Schroeder  1999      1370
Jeff Baker           1991      1193

Receptions Career
Tony Spaeth      1985-87    59
Ryan Rohlinger  1999         56
Jeff Pfeifer           1974-76    49
Brad Geldnich    1991         38

Receptions Season
Ryan Rohlinger   1999       56
Brad Geldnich     1991        38
Jerry Krueke       1973         30

Recieving Yardage Career
Ryan Rohlinger   1999        1085
Tony Spaeth       1985-87    1081
Brad Geldnich     1991         834
Dave Marcy        1997-98     761

Recieving  Yardage Season
Ryan Rohlinger    1999         1085
Brad Geldnich      1991         834
Ryan Smith          1998        530

Interceptions Career
Mark Nelson        1988-89     15
John Schneider     1980-81     8
Tom Hafeman      1979-80      7
Dave Feffenz        1974-75      7