1999 Fall Schedule

Date Tourney (Location) Format
October 9-10, 1999 Skippy Memorial Tournament (Syracuse, NY) Co-ed
October 16, 1999 Snowball Tournament (New Brunswick, NJ) Open
October 23-24, 1999 3rd Annual Danse Macabre (Rochester, NY) Open
November 6, 1999 Autumnfest (Binghamton, NY) Open
November 14, 1999 Fall Tournament (Colgate, NY) Open

2000 Spring Schedule

Date Tourney (Host/Location) Format
February 19, 2000 Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, OH) 6-on-6 Indoor Tourney
March 25, 2000 Queen's Cup (Rutgers) Open
April 1-2, 2000 Chia 2000 (Amherst College) Open
April 29-30, 2000 Sectionals @ Rochester College Playoffs
May 5-6, 2000 Regionals (Princeton) College Playoffs
May 26-28, 2000 Nationals (Boise, Idaho) College Playoffs

Team Profile ('99-'00)
1999 Spring highlights
Pre 1999 highlights

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Last Updated: May 16, 2006