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Welcome    to    Alli's    Homepage

Hey and welcome to my lame first attempt at a home page. I'm a fifteen year old girl from Salt Lake City, Utah. I like baseball, snowboarding, listening to and playing music, spending time with my friends, skating, and partying. Send me an e-mail or sign my guest book to let me know what you think of this page, I'd be glad to have any information you wanna give me.

Snowboarding kicks! Click on the picture to go to more great snowboarding pictures, I'll be adding a few of my own when I can.

Hey buddy, wanna buy a snowboard?

Some Things You May Not Know

About Me I'm a sophomore at East High School

I have 4 really really really good friends, Liz Mavor, Jenni Nelson, Mary Anne Wetzel, and a wonderful boyfriend, Keith Martin. Other really great friends are Erica Thatcher, Jed Crandall, Rene Junk, Robin Komlos, Sarah Hilton, Haley McLennon, Emily Clawson, Casssandra Bell, Alex Parvaz, Anya Zietlen, Shannon McComber, Natalie Thorp, Ashley Crandall, Jenny Chung, Lindsey Nelson, Jesse Choen, Joanna Baugh, Lauren Merril, Katie Ammon, Erin Moore, Brynn Russon, Barabra Grey, Sarah Gales, Julie Malinski, Becca Murdock, Danielle Sketzlar, Jed Pearson, Tom Check, Arwen Ek, Heather Urton, Emily Butler, Guinn Shuster, and Naomi White.

Sublime, Beastie Boys, Tori Amos, Ani DiFranco,The Fugees, Deee-Lite, The Getaway People, Jay Z, Porno For Pyros and Blind Melon are among my favorite bands.

I'm am an only child

I love loud music and have blown out 4 speakers and one stereo in the past 6 months.

I have brown hair, blue eyes, and I'm 5'7". If you want to see pictures of me and my friends, click on the picture below
My ICQ UIN is 9876029
Salt Lake City, UT
United States

Click here to see pictures of me and my friends.

My Favorite Links

Casey's homepage
A seriously kick ass page from a guy that kicks even more
Long Beach Dub All Stars/Sublime
One of the nicest Sublime pages I've found yet.
Erica's Homepage
One of my good friend's kick arse home page
Popsmear Magazine
A turbo solid alterna zine I picked up in NYC
Tom's Homepage
My friend Tom's cool page
The New York Yankee's Homepage
The greatest baseball team ever's web page.
Beastie Boys homepage
Check out this page, its great.
Mike D's (aka Scott) Page
A nice page from a seroiusly beastie boy
Kenny's Homepage
Baseball boy gets a page, a nice one at that.
Burton Snowboarding Company
The company that made my snowboard
Snowboarder Magazine
I read this thing constantly
Rolling Stone On Line
and this too...
5 Minute IQ test
Take this, its phat! If you want to know my score, just ask.

click here to go to my three picture pages.

I have hit reload this many times:

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