


Welcome to the homepage of Koping r/c Club - Sweden

The club was established in the early -70:s by several enthusiasts flying with the non-proportional
radioequipment from that time. After a break in the mid-80:s the club had a revival in 1986 and has
kept on going strong since then. In the soaring-field ( F3b ) we have had great success the last years.
Last event was 1997 World Championship in Turki where one of our members took the 2:nd place
and Sweden as a team won the Championship. We also compete a lot in the sport "AirCombat"
and the latest event in the European Championship was won by a member from our club. In scalemodel-
flying we have a few enthusiasts that keep on flying their beautiful creations without taking any notice
of their several hundred of hours of spending in their small hobby-workshops.

If you are visiting Sweden and are inte area of Vastmanland county, you must make a stop in Koping and visit the
airport. Our model-runway is next to the "full-scale"dito and we have a lot of space to fly around. Welcome!

Swedish !

Mail to: KenyAircraft