Welcome to my Chelsea page!

Screensavers. Geocities don't allow exe's so you'll have to rename the files yourself. The .exe is the screensaver with a quick and easy installation program. If you're worried about viruses, download the one that ends in .scr. If you get the .scr, just put it in your \windows\ directory and then go to control panel and display to select the new screensaver. Use the screensaver at your own risk, I'm not responsible for anything that happens by you using it, i put it here in good faith. Check back soon and U might see some more stuff.

Chelsea Screensaver No.1

SSAVER1.JPG Right-click on the linnk then Save As... SSAVER1.EXE

SSAVER1.GIF Right-click on the link then Save As... SSAVER1.SCR