In the Begining
The Emergancy Vounteer Reserve Force of the Armed Forces of Malta was born in 1998. Exectly on the 30th June '98. When a group of 60 brave men and women after being tested Physically and mentally received a letter confirming that they were chosen to join the EVRF a new force with the aim of giving backup to the professional soldiers when needed. The first 60 part-time soldiers joined the 'C' company where they were split into 2 platoons the 4th and the 5th with their headquarters stationed at Hal Far Barracks. In spite of the scetiscm of the critics in whose eyes they were an experiment which was leading to faliure and the problems they faced. The 2 platoons thanks to their will, their loyality towards their country and to the skill of the officers that trained them managed to overcome all their difficults and today not only they have reached and aquanted the tips and tricks of the trade but another platoon  of EVRF's has been sucessfully been stationed at the Air Defence Battery Hal Kirkop.
       AK47 Characteristics
               ( Our Main Weapon )

Manufactured : State Factories (USSR)
Calibre : 7.62mm x 39mm short
Length : 8.69mm ( 34.21 ins )
Length barrel : 414mm (16.40 ins)
Weight Loaded : 5.13kg
unloaded : 4.16kg
Magazine : 30 rounds
Muzzle Velocity : 710m/sec
Effective Range : 400m
Front Sight Type : Protected Post
Rear sight Type : Tangent Type (V )
Rate of Fire : 600 round/min
Operation : Gas Operated
Type of Fire : Semi Auto / Automati
EVRF's Air Support Unit
The 4 PLatoon gathered together at the end of the 1st year's ' 7 day camp ' in which they have sharpened their basic infantry skills they had trained for during the whole year. The 7 day camp held ones a year aims to make the soldiers used to work together under the most stressfull conditions. For the soldiers themselves it is a hard test that will break them down to the edge but when everything is over the sadisfaction one feels inside is incredible. 
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