Science fiction/fantasy and Horror - NEW - Now stories on the web - NEW - biMoonthly updated e-zine - NEW - link to amazon books - submissions accepted for Juli print issue
stories packed with action, suspense and interesting characters, individuals crossing the borders of society, strong women and gay men, shape changers and compassionate vampires
                               March 2005

- faster than life is back.  Our e-mail is working again. Looking forwards to hear from you all.
We have put new stories on the
webpage and discontinued the print zine. Soon the webpage will contain the full thing, also Simons's essays and book reviews about literature of 
gay or transgender interest.
In the meantime I will participate at the WORLDCON 2005 in Glasgow. Only afterwards your recent submissions and also the not so recent ones will be handeled and all your mail answered. Amazon has discontinioued the free book coupon service, so bad luck for all who could not receive one in time.
After the con I have holiday until the end of August, so if you are not at the Worldcon, then we will in contact with all you writers and subscribers afterwards.
See you in Glasgow!

We put  one review on this site too. And an non-fiction article about FTMs and hormones, centering on medical issues: FAQ;

Also on-line  the long announced interview with  Terry Pratchett. 
You'll find the books and stories in the lower left corner. 

(yes, this pic does shows me, was taken 3 years back though, but maybe you recognize me still at the Worldcon in Glasgow!) Sam: one of the editors.)

It will take some time until we have uploaded all the stuff selected for the print issues of the future, however.

Visit amazon books from this site, as this will support FTL, which is a no profit site by the way. 

Next on-line edtion in about 6-8 weeks, so bookmark this page.

Sam and Simon.

Call for Submissions:

FTL is looking continously for stories, art and essays.

Writer's guidelines

We also work with you to increase the potential of your story, so you can also
submit "unfinished 

NEW:Book reviews on our Website.

You can also link to some of the contents of FTL. More is in the printed version.


Suzy Mc. Carnas
Winner of the Tipptree award
-  the prize for the best trans- gender and feminist Sci-fi/ fantasy of the year 1999. 

Terry Pratchett
Creator of the Discword novels 

- and partially  responsible for the Science of Discworld books which are actually one of  the most comprehensive  and insightful "popular science"  books one can get. I read my last "popular science books as a teenager and was surprised how much devellopment I had missed.

Interview with Tucker
coming soon

Message board:

Current topic: shape changing is still the topic. you have to click on the message board to acces that and if you don't post anything
the discussion will not proceed.

you can even suggest a new topic, read the essay or go directly 

to the message board

Terry Pratchett 
has become No. 1 bestseller author in Britain with Feet of Clay and the Fift Elephant. In both books there is ample crossdressing, coming out with some were-wolves thrown in for good measure. buy it! Or read the Terry Pratchett biography.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>pic by Mim>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Stories: FTL - web 

Crossing the border - FTM transgender science fiction 

Soft Hard Jasmine Bliss - gay sci-fi by Simon Dessloch

Genderella - an erotic transgender fairy tale by Ellenn

Another Siazy tale by Simon:
hot transgendered FTM aliens

To love a Fallen Star - homoerotic twist between heaven and hell by Anne Hofer

A Matter of the Heart - lesbigay fantasy adventure by T. Olbert

The Jolly Yoker Lady: transgender magic by H. Gast

A sense of Worth: lesbian fantasy adventure by K. Drake

FTL features 3 sci-fi, fantasy or horror short stories in every issue - fun to read 

FTL probes deeper than the surface in its essays and articles about transgender, intersex and lesbigay issues in SF/F/H. 

FTL is inclusive: many excellent transgender and even feminist lesbian or hot gay novels have been written by straight writers. 

FTL features both news and books reviews to make it easier for you to find books interesting you, including also everything which involves shape changing and transformations. 

FTL has 36 pages and you get 4 issues per subscription. 

FTL can arrive at your doorstep, being delivered into your snail mail-box. Subscribe now and enjoy! 


NOW: Third  issue
- second still  availble - in print:

Short Fiction:

Suzy Mc. Carnas's :  Werewolfgirl story 
(only in the print zine) - see  also 
the interview on our web-site.

and three other stories

Science: Terry Pratchett

Further: Poetry, News, Book reviews.

and go to the previous issue
via the January 2001 Edition

Extra: FTM, GLBT & single parenting

If you have kids, plan to have kids especially as you are an FTM check out these FTL endorsed pages! 
Including hormone FAQ, being a single dad, advice for parents of toddlers, babies, adoption, 
read more......

Essays  & Reviews

Check out our growing site of  book recomendations. 

see our new list, which cover over 60 books, old faithfuls and brand new releases 
mini-reviews and booklist

We put  one review by Simon Dessloch on this site too. Plus 
his newest essay about Wraethu
by Storm Constantine.

The other is  about the anthology
 'Cybersex' (edited by R. Glyn) 

More of Simon's interviews are
in the print issues.
You can also send us books
or zines to review.

Just e-mail us!

Tipptree Award 2001:

Kappa Child, a novel by
                                                           Hiromi Goto published by 
Red Deer Press


Check out 

books about transgender and fantasy, sci-fi or horror at 

In Association with

Or visit our book list for gay, lesbian or trans sci-fi, fantasy and horror reviews and newest releases. 
(along with  selected stuff that is just too good to be missed)



More Science-Fiction on the web: the Sci-fi Jumpgate - a directory to Sci-fi and other related sites 

Serving the alternative Family comunity:  family - zine


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