My Background I was born in San Antonio, TX. back on July 3, 1978 and have lived here my whole life. As a child, I went to John Glenn Elementary School, and from there to Sam Rayburn Middle School. I then graduated from John Jay High School in Spring 1996 and started attending The University of Texas at San Antonio in Fall 1996. I spent my first 3 years there as an Interdisciplinary Studies major but then decided to change my major to Criminal Justice with an emphasis in Juvenile Corrections. I really enjoy working with children, so that would probably explain why I'm pursuing this career. I started out volunteering at the school my mom worked at during the summers when I was 14. I spent 2 years working for Northside ISD as a Substitute Paraprofessional and 3 years working with the CIS (Communities In Schools) program as a mentor at a local elementary school. I stopped doing that stuff back in December 1998 and got a job in May of 1999 at the La Petite Academy working as an Assistant Teacher with the Superstars... those are the after school kids in case you didn't know. It's been a really fun job, but I quit. I didn't get the raise I was expecting and there was a huge lack of hours. I was lucky to make $120 a month there. Anyway, I then got a job working at Stower's moving furniture. That job only lasted about 3 months before I got fed up with the management. After quitting, I just decided to stay unemployed cause my last two semesters of college were gonna be rough. I took 18 hours and 21 hours in order to graduate within the time frame that was laid out for me. My last semester, I interned with the Texas Youth Commission at the Ayre's House Halfway Home. I was there for 3 months on a volunteer basis and loved it. I then graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminal Justice in May 2001 and decided to take the summer off and enjoy it while it lasted. In October 2001 I was hired with the Bexar County Juvenile Probation Department working as a Juvenile Correctional Officer. I couldn't have asked for a better job. I've been working there now for a little over a year and a half and I'm still enjoying it. I'm in hopes that this job will be a good stepping stone for me to bigger and better things. I guess only time will tell. My Interests Well, let's see.... as I've already said, I enjoy working with children. But that's obvious. I like archery, though to be honest, I haven't been keeping up with it lately. I was first introduced to it when I was 14 and went to summer camp for the first time. After that I got hooked and decided to buy my own bow. It's pretty well decked out now as far as accessories go and it's pretty mean looking. But don't get the wrong idea, I'm not into bow hunting. Don't have the patience for a sport like that. The only hunting that I do is dove hunting. It's a little more fun due to the fact that you don't have to stay absolutely silent and still. With dove hunting, you can chit chat with your fellow hunters and move about as you like. And I know there are gonna be people out there that think hunting little birds with big shotguns is unfair and cruel, but I don't care to hear your point of view on the subject. Thank You, come again. Anyway, off that subject, I do occasionally enjoy flying my R/C airplane, but haven't had much time for that lately either. I also enjoy watching cartoons. A few of my favorites are Animaniacs, The New Batman/Superman Adventures, The Simpsons, Spider Man, Family Guy, Futurama, and Histeria. My favorite TV shows are The X-Files, Viper, Space: Above and Beyond, and Sea Quest DSV. Ok, I've put it off long enough now.... my all-time biggest interest would be STAR WARS!!! I've been a fan of the movies for as far back as I can remember. I just recently decided to start collecting Star Wars action figures in the hopes that someday in the future they will be worth something. We'll just have to wait and see. My Pic Pages Here is a link to some more pics of me in order from oldest to newest. Hope you enjoy them. Here are some pics of my truck for those of you who want to see it. This page just has some pics of a few of my friends.... local and internet. Here's a link to a page with some pics of famous people I've met. There aren't many, but oh well. Links to My Favorite Sites Here are some links to a few websites that I visit often. Plot-O-Matic: Write Your Own Movie My Favorite Animated GIF Files Get all the sounds and images you've ever wanted from South Park at this site. Here's a link to my "Nine Planets of Our Solar System" page that I made for my IDS computer class If you have any questions or comments, feel free to write me at: Sign My Guest Book Keep your ICQ up to date, Spiff up the appearance of your ICQ with ICQ Plus After you've downloaded ICQ Plus, download some awesome skins from Do you need a virus scanner that works, and works well, but don't feel like spending the money on one? Well look no further. Download
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