Learn To Fly Here!
Dedicated To General Aviation Training

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I'm a Flight Instructor from Houston Texas. This is a fun site that brings you
flight training information and other fun flying stuff.
Flyme wants to hear from you. Please sign my guestbook and leave me a note about who you are.
If you have flight training questions you can send email to Flyme on the "Ask a CFI" page.
See the Index for a site map of all the pages.
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Oshkosh AirVentures
AOPA Home Page
EAA Sport Aviation
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Flyme Wins at Oshkosh
Lone Star Squadron
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Updated by: Jerry Hajek, Jr., ATP, CFII, MEI on 04June08
DISCLAIMER: The information on this web site is not to be used for, or in lieu of, actual training from an FAA certified instructor. Please consult an instructor for answers to any aviation questions.