Gordon's Homepage

Welcome to Gordon's Homepage

Hi, welcome to my little corner of the web. This site is continually being updated (when I have the time) so if you have any tips or suggestions then please send me an email by clicking here
If you just want to say hello you can sign my guestbook here -
View the guestbook here.

Our travel photos are here, check 'em

Surfing page

Canoeing page

If you are looking for good deals on books or music please use these links as I get store credit for sales originating from this site:

CDnow In Association with Amazon.com

These are the best sites for dance music:

Links to other sites on the Web

Hotmail.com Ireland.com
Yahoo UK & Ireland Britannia Music
Sporting Life Banking 365
Whats On Where

© 1997 gordon_wilson@hotmail.com