Welcome MHS '98 Graduates!!

E-Mail any updates here.

This is a page for all graduating Seniors from Mandeville High and thier friends. Just some basic information and a couple links and pics are all I expect to be here but i wouldnt be surprised if you found more after to long.......................

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Message a MHS student on ICQ
Sender Name:
Sender EMail:
User's Number:
(Rowshi)(John)(Ben J.)(James G.)(Liz Young)

Names A - I

T. Neilson Arbour
A.K.A. TNA, of course I leave Mandeville, and now there's a different principal, a hurricane threatens to throw us off the map, and Cave's going to the Big House. Damn, if anything happens to Lionel or Mrs. "Shaq" Fields, I'm coming back to the 'Ville. Til then, I'm a freshmen at TCU (aka: Thug Central U., Toomuch Coochie U., or for your parents, Texas Christian University). Home of the Horned Frog, a bad ass business school, and as Playboy's '98 poll showed, the 2nd best looking ladies in the nation (screw UCLA). The ratio of girls to guys is 3:1, or 75% female. It's a problem I'm slowly adjusting to. I've pledged Delta Tau Delta, and I'm having a blast. I'm double majoring in Accounting and Finance with a minor in mathematics (as president of MAO I guess I had to do something). I guess that's it. Dig up some bootleg WMHS stuff if you can, it's gold. Our crew of Jesus (Bosco), Tiger Woods (Rachaun), Coach Ferrer (Marcus), and Vliet (Ben), and good wholesome TNA produced some of the sickest, funniest junk you've ever heard. But b/c of Coach Knob, none of it was approved. That's enough for me. I'm on ICQ (TNAFrog)and E-MAIL. Damn, I wrote a lot of crap.

my heroMelanie Autin
I'm going to LSU, and I'm going to major in math, more specifically math computer science. I'd rather sit around on my ass and do nothing from now on, but I know I can't. I'll just continue to procrastinate everything as much as I can. I'll be rooming with Amanda Reed. I somewhat regret not having more fun and not getting to know some people better, but oh well. I'll probably be back in Mandeville often. I'll probably be online and on IM a lot, so I'm sure I'll keep in touch with some people.
AOL's IM: MelAutin
Phone: If you want it, ask me. I'm also in the phone book.

Swift Mind, Agile BodyWilliam S. Averill
A.K.A. - xonofon, fish
Im at Tx AM, its ok i guess, Im studying Aerospace engineering and one day will work for NASA, Boeing, Lockheed, or something along those lines. I go to a weird school and am surrounded by weird people. Im even in a military academy but its more like a giant Fraternity. It sucks most of the time. Check out the pic of a normal morning-->  See what I mean?   TEXAS people are weird and dont understand our ways.....
THIS SUMMER....i might goto classes at UNO or TxAM in Galviston, i dont know yet...another part of the summer ill be shooting M-16s and jumping out of helecopters while stationed at MCRD San Diego for a month.........

I'm contactable at one of the following

Grad Night'98 with some buddies - Prom with Kate - xonofon's old rig - I hate this Jeep - Ryan Z. and James G. Throwin' Down - The Crew and it's Physics Dude - Project Graduation Group Shot - Me kickin' the Shizat outta Damon

access my ip at school to see what projects i have working on my server.. HERE
i also made the bare-minimum page for my outfit in the corps... its HERE

yes i have the nicest looking section buts thats cause i made this thing and im active in its development.....you can be to, email ME

Niles Bollinger
just wanted to say. this website is bad ass. i was glad to leave the boring town of mandeville. i'm majoring in computer engineering and minoring in computer science
in my spare time. the rest of the time is spent sleeping, eating partying and drinking (water of course). its good to see some old friends keeping in touch with
mandeville. good luck all you high schoolers and LSU is fuckin losing to Tulane in baseball right now! they will come back though. anyone wanna get in touch, my
email is checked often.





Brian "Jiggy Wit It" Danahy
I plan to attend LSU and major in sweatshop management and evil animatronic assembly while working as a truck driver for a Baton Rouge sour kraut canning factory. In two years I plan to have experienced a complete mental breakdown that will result in some dangerous psychotic episode which will land me in some local jail or mental institution, at the whim of some very powerful prescription drugs. At this point I'll probably flee to California and find a niche for myself as a street mime/rock star/junkie, so don't hedge your bets on seeing me floating around Mandeville a lot.
YOU (yes you!) Have the honor of contacting me at:
E-Mail:da7id@hotmail.com, danahyma@neosoft.com
ICQ UIN=4795417 "Halo"
AOL's IM= SHX303
favorite quote:"But nobody can handle that other trip- the possibility that any freak with $1.98 can walk into the Circus-Circus and suddenly appear in the sky over downtown Las Vegas twelve times the size of god , howling anything that comes into his head. No, this is not a good town for psychedelic drugs. Reality itself is too twisted."- Hunter Thompson"

if you so desire, you can check out some sound clips from my band, The Hybrid Machine, Here

 good luck to everyone on this page, play nice.

Damon Nicholas Dischler
A.K.A.-Dirty-D, Ol' Dirty Damon, Dirty
Anyone who comes to this page obviously has no life. And if you are reading my bio, you have serious mental instabilities. I miss the retard crew....The stuff we used to do for shits and giggles, huh? Well...we still do it...nevermind....
Telephone:624-5175(the ville) 318.482.8146 Lafayette
ICQ uin:12231959
Favorite Saying:"Watch out for those ducks, Phill!!!! NO!!!...Gross..."-me
My WebpageS:http://listen.to/friggagogo-http://memebers.tripod.com/joesoto
My Girlfriend-Jeremiah Thins Out- Lowrider at Epcot-Duck Sauce-A Special Rendetion of the DIRTY ONE-My Roomate

Bill Donkervoet
i will be leaving the ever so exiciting haven of mandeville to attend colorado school of mines in golden, CO. yes, home of coors brewing company so think about me every time you drink a frosty mountain brewed and all that crap weak, watery, american piss water coors beer. i like stuff and i like to do stuff too so if you're ever bored chances are i am too. give me a call and maybe we can be bored together. we could always visit waffle house or (God forbid) denny's. if you want to call me look me up in the phone book or online white pages. there's only one donkervoet in LA and only six in the US so you shouldn't have much trouble finding me. have a great life and keep in touch. by the way you're all (assuming i know you and can stand your ass) are invited to my place in colorado to come skiing. i figure mardi gras might be a popular time b/c i have school and most of ya'll don't.

I'll be contactable be one of the following:
icq uin= 3129653 ; as 'pakratt'
AOL's IM= you can find me as 'pakratt6'

No, she's not from MHS but close enough....Andrea Eppink
A.K.A.-Damon's Nubian Princess
If some of you are wondering "Who the HELL is this?!?!", you aren't alone. I didn't go to Mandeville. In fact, only 3 of you people on here know who I am, and you all met me whilst in a drunken stupor, so you probably don't remeber me anyway. I'm Damon's girlfriend, and I went to SSA (I'm not a slut though). I'm now going to LSU. See you guys around, if Damon ever brings me to a party again.
Written by: Damon Dischler

AOL IM nickname:bijou6278

Barry Fransen
A.K.A.-Cat_Fan, God
I am going to Tulsa Oklahoma for college and rooming with two other guys and plan on being a pilot. I will not return to Mandeville at breaks, but I will go to Honduras, Central America.
Favorite Saying:Tu madre!!

Alison Gallaher
A.K.A. - other nicks High school was fun, but I am ready to go to college. I am going to Mississippi State and plan to have a double major in Accounting/Communications. I am going through rush, but don't know exactly what sorority I will pledge. My parents along with many loved friends will still be here in Mandeville, so I will definitely be back. I hope all you LSU tigers are ready for the big game October 24th!! I will miss yall!

AOL's IM= you can find me as 'AG11U'
God Bless!

I'm going to put something interesting here later. REALLY... Well.. Do you like the ICQ messenger thingy at the top? Hopefully I put your correct number in it. It's an easy way to cut and paste people's ICQ numbers too. This is getting too long. I'm going to LSU, etc. etc. I'll see you and the rest of MHS there. Go to my MP3 page Temp0 Search
Temp0@yahoo.comhydro@acadiacom.nettemp0@wild.netwforacing@yahoo.commircmail@yahoo.comtheinternetsux@bigfoot.com i think i forgot the password though. hah


Ashraf Ghoniem
Hey this is Ashraf i will go to Tualne i will not miss any of you i hope u all roast in helll.. ohh shit wrong email well i fergot you are the people at the school i did like (enough to write this email). Well i guess i will miss you guys and i hope u enjoy your lives after high school because i sure will. I could be coool and do some thing like Will and say i am gonna go do all this wonderfull stuff but i won't Because i got no idea what i am going to do. But i will tell you this i will own your soul one day. ~Ashraf "Different" Ghoniem
icq uin=7761591 ; as 'Number_2'

Jennifer Humphreys
I am going to the University of South Alabama and will be majoring in International relations. I haven't the foggiest who I am rooming with yet. I might return to Mandeville, but probably not. My family is moving in November and I won't have a place to stay in Mandeville.

Names J - P
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GOD!!Ben Jones
A.K.A.-Bang, Kaerf, Dumbass, and Mr. Parabola Head
FUCK EVERYONE THAT WENT TO MHS!!!......or is presently attending. All news updates(pictures at the bottom of page) are possible because of me.
Now, let's see how many times I can say the word FUCK.. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. Go to Jeremiah's MP3 page Temp0 (neverwork.com) Search < >subdisplay

I'm KateKate

Names J - P
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RUMPLEBrent McDougall
A.K.A.-Rumple, Master B, Bitch, et cetera...
I have gotten de fuck out of Mandeville thank god (sorry Ben) and am currently spending most of my sober hours at LSU. It's great here Iam living with Stewart Walters, Matt Stokes and Sean Burke, and James "Rachawn" Grant who seems to feel the need to live here half the damn week.

Email me at jimi311@bellsouth.com


A.K.A.- My Rumpled Penis
My lengthy quest for musical bliss has lead me, unfortunately, about 40 miles from my house to Loyola University in New Orleans. I wish to say wuzzup to my boys in WMHS, all the people who liked my hair, Coach Cave, and Ol' Dirty. I wish the class of '98 all the luck and professional success possible. Most of all, however, I want to remind everyone reading this(all three of you), to keep love first in your life. All the money and success in the world is nothing without someone to share it with. Peace and chicken grease.

Kristina Petro
I will be going to LSU :(. I will hopefully have a private room and I will major in Mass Communication. I got rid of Bryce and now dating a guy from Lafayette. Damon goes to school there, doens't he?
Favorite Saying:"If you can bake a cake, you can make a bomb."-Stella Mars

Names Q - Z
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Michael "Tuzo" Roszkowski
Known for contributing absolutely squat to MHS, this social pariah wishes he could go to a good college but, he can't! He will be attending Mississippi State in the Fall of '98 and will bring to that secluded campus just as much as he took from Mandeville. Another thing, MSU is in Starkville! The name says it all. Let's see... He likes mp3's, internet surfing, and Team Fortress Quake; turn ons incude long walks on the beach and...whoops, wrong E-Mail. Yep, you guessed it: this boy is plain ass WIERD! And I pride myself on it. Right now I drive a piece Bronco II, soon to be replaced by something else. If I'm lucky a red Pontiac Sunbird. Sweet little car I found today. I'll be studying Chemical Engineering when I'm at State so don't try to get in touch with me; when I'm not playing Quake my nose will be burried in books. My other freakish nicknames include: Tuzo (also written 2-z0), Phuc Hue (my Quake personality), Scatman (another Quake presonality), Mr_Spiffy (IRC), 'Calculus wuss' (see Bill, aka Calculus god), Russian Rocket (given to me by the ever-amazing Theo, who took now consideration to the fact that my name is of Polish origin), and a slew of others that I'm not going to bother to recall right now.
E-Mail:rowshi@geocities.com, If you are curious as to how the name Rowshi was selected E-Mail me and ask, I get lonely.
ICQ UIN=7337096 "Mr_Spiffy"

 More to come...maybe visit my own webpage HERE where there will be absolutly nothing of intrest.
Happy surfing.

I'm attending USM in Hattiesburg... there are a lot of gay people here....

Hi, I'm Lauren I go to USM with the gays..

Joe Soto
A.K.A.-Mister Bibbles
Hey kiddies!! Wanna see something neato? Cool, then come to Soto.com, and I'll show you why I like socks so much...

Circe Starns
I am going to LSU and going to major in pre-dentistry. Afterwards, I'm going to the LSU school of Denistry and studying to become an orthodontist. If everyone keeps in touch, I'll give them discounts on braces for their kids. I'll be back in Mandeville often.

Eric Weaver
I am going to LSU, have no idea who I am rooming with, and majoring in Political Science.
Favorite Saying:"Don't dip your head in the cheese."

Lisa LOOOOLisa

Elizabeth Jeanne Young
You're probably wondering why you never saw me around MHS- it's because I didn't go there. I was stuck in Bulldog hell. Will, being the kind and generous person that he is, has given me a special waver and invited me to put my bio on this page anyway. Regarding future plans, I'm following the masses and attending LSU (what can i say?- it's free) where I'll be attempting some sort of engineering. I hope to avoid any dangerous psychotic episodes- but I will be living in Baton Rouge for four years so who knows what could happen. I don't expect much from college, but if it isn't any better than Fontainebleau I will be forced to resort to drugs and/or violence.

Till I leave I'll be contactable be one of the following:
icq uin= 7988977
AOL's IM= you can find me as 'mambazo'
favorite saying.. "To die is the greatest adventure."- Captain Hook

Created by some friends

..........In Conclusion.........
Class PictureIn the News.....Cap Toss
cave mandumbass'
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You Guessed it, Yes, the News

This was recieved the first of december....

Coach Cave is now resting in his cell for a good two years... hehehe

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