Welcome From LBN Entertainment Group©

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This page has been up for so long and still we wonder just how many people ever see it. It's almost high time to do some more updating, but that'll have to wait until we re-secure ourselves a reliable internet connection. In the mean time, this site is going to be stripped a fair bit. We need to clear out some files that are clogging up our site, and unfortunatly, that means the end of the media section. Time to change it into an LBN Worx section once and for all! Don't forget to check back in the next little while or feel free to e-mail us to remind us to work on the stinking site!!
                                          The LBN

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The BEAT ZONE Top 20

Keela's Quest

Brian's FRANK ZAPPA shrine

LBN Entertainment™ Wirx *Coming Soon!*

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