
Dangermonkeys Bad Habits and Vices


Hi!, I'm Dangermonkey .
The description of my page is: Skydiving , BASE Jumping , Bourbon + Beer, Some of my favorite things in life. I will be featuring some reviews of a number of books and references on various alcoholic drinks in the near future so stay posted for information. There are some new books on Bourbon out now that I will be writing up soon. One tip to bear in mind however,Go out and Drink, then find out which authors have the same tastes as you do and buy their books. Otherwise it is like reading movie reviews from critics you don't agree with. If they don't share your tastes, you are wasting your time and money on the books. Email me at: Monkeyboy60_1998@ yahoo.com in the meantime. Please Come Back Soon and Visit . I Will be going to Whiskyfest this year and be sampling some of the Whiskies there and be writing them up . Also please check out the Alcohol Reviews by Kevin Kosar at AlcoholReviews.com for gritty, unambiguous real life reviews .
P.S. I broke my leg Skydiving on October 9th when I was practicing for the Bridge. Broke and dislocated the ankle and broke the fibula in 3 places. To check out the x rays look in the right bottom corner for the HTML "Broken leg". Interesting X rays , Not for the faint of heart! Had the large screw in my ankle removed 2 months ago, Hope to have the other 13 pins and plate out after Bridge Day 2000 And to those Who are Wondering:
. Thanks to Dr Gary Bessette for the Outstanding work on the Leg!
Any donations for a new parachute or help with the Hospitall Bills are Apppreciated! UPDATE OCTOBER 2000: DID THE BRIDGE! Landed in the Water and swam out no problem. Got stuck at the bottom of the Gorge for 3 hours waiting for the Bus. When they ran out of Jumpers at the top they finaly figured out something was wrong. More details on Jump later. UPDATE MARCH 6 2001:The Pins and Plate are out! I have them in my hand rather than in my leg. Been using the plate to stir my drinks with . Pictures to follow soon. Update April 2nd 2004 : Starting a new website soon at SpiritReviews.com featuring reviews of Spirits, Beer and Wine. Also drink related books and websites. Will also be launching BeerReviews.com in the murky future. Whiskyfest NYC was quite a time - Hundreds of Whiskies to get through in a short period of time. Have to triage ones time and soberiety to do it right. Went to Rumfest at the Metrazur in Grand Central Station also. I highly reccomend it!

Links to other sites on the Web

NEW Page ! Reviews of Booze, Bar Equipment and Books

Links to some most Excellent Beers

Major BASE page and Links

Link to Dangerous Places

Other Vices

No Cheap Beer Foundation

THE Bourbon Reference Website

Alcohol Reviews By F.Sot Fitzgerald

Broken leg!

Despair, Inc., THE Antidote to Those Motivation Shops

� 1997 monkeyboy60_1998@yahoo.com

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