HeLLo BoyS AnD GiRLs
Now because this is a dedicated and realistic Pee-Wee page we have to have a secert word, so today it will be BAG, so when you see it click on it to here everyone scream, and don't forget to scream yourself. Or if you hear it, or say it anytime today don't forget to scream. I trust you will. This is my attempt at a cool Pee-Wee web site. I think its good and I hope you people of the internet like it as much as me. If there is problems or something is down e-mail me at pee_wee12122@hotmail.com so if you like it you also have to send me your comments.
Pee-Wee's playhouse is back on the air, OH YEAH....it's back on, its on the Fox Family channel, just look how happy chairry is.
On a sadder note I realy don't want to put this on my web site but I think that it is very interesting and I also think that if you Knew I had this then you would want to see it so click HERE to see the mug shot of Paul Reubens (A.K.A. Pee-Wee Herman)
If you make fun of him because of this mug shot of his I will get Randy to beat you to a pulp and you know he can!!!!
You can now get the box set of Pee-Wee's playhouse. Just click HERE
Here are the lyrics for all you people that want to sing along with the playhouse theme song.
HeRe aRe SoMe PiCS oF Pee-Wee aND PaLS, So KNoW you CaN PRiNT THeM ouT aND PuT THeM oN youR WaLLS.
Here are some cool sounds from Pee-Wee
[I know you are, but what am I]
THeSe aRe SoMe oF HiS MoVieS He WaS iN, NoT aLL oF THeM aRe THeR BuT MoST oF THeM aRE.
Go tO TheSe cOOl sITes To seE moRE coOl Pee-Wee LinkS
[Lindsey's Pee-Wee Playhouse Page]
HeRe aRe SoMe oF My FRieNDS SiTeS
[Spoon's Kicken Site Of Kewlness]
Im working on getting more cool things on this page and should have more in about one day so come back and check it out.
But before you leave sign my geustbook
[SiGN mY GEuStbooK]
You aRE tHe
ThIS iS a
WoRD oF THe DaY MaDe By Me
tO VisIt ThIS sITe Of pEE-WeE