zephyr_1998 's Home Page

Welcome to Martin Lindsay's Home Page!

Also known as Zephyr_1998!
NOTE!! This page is still under construction!

Yes, if you don't already know, this is one of my all time favourite cars. Of course, I love all Merecdes'!

Hi I'm Martin R. Lindsay, and am known as zephyr_1998 in the e-world. I'd like to thank you for visiting this web page and I hope you stick around to check it out! Included are my "specifications", hobbies, likes, dislikes and much more.. There are lots of pictures to keep you happy so take your time and glance through any pages that may be of interest you. Below are some shortcuts, you can click on any of them and they will guide you to a specific location. Enjoy!!!


Occupation: Broadcast Engineer at CityTV Education: Electronics engineering Technology, and Electrical Engineering Martin Lindsay was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in the late 1970's at Branson Hospital. I was the heaviest baby born in comparison to my brother and sister and was probably the best of all! Ha ha. I have lived here in Toronto throughout my entire lifetime and have enjoyed every minute of it. I spend a lot of time with my brother since we seem to work extremely well together as a team. Be it making pipe bombs, building tree houses, or working on cars, we've always managed to put up with one another. No doubt, that at times, we did, and do have our differences, and how we still get along with one another still amazes me! On the other hand, the relationship between my sister and I wasn't quite as mutual. Born three years earlier then I, Allysson always managed to have the upper hand. She wasn't the "perfect" little sister that she really appeared to be and seemed to live in a world of her own, well, to me at least. All is cool now!


Ahh, yes. This could take a little while! Most of you know that I LOVE waterskiing! I try to ski at least twice a week usually at my cottage up north. I did, however, join a waterski club in the summer of 1998 where I had the opportunity to ski and practice on a competition course. For more details..ask me! I also got a wakeboard in the spring of 1998 and began playing around on that this past summer. At first I was doubtful, but now I love it! It's awesome and every weekend of the summer I get a little better, I think. No really!! maybe in the summer of 1999 I'll manage to do some flips! We'll see. I now own a snowboard and am about to plunge into that sport this upcoming winter! It can't be that hard...!! I also love swimming, tanning, enjoying the outdoors, and tons more..I just can't remember right now!


My main ambitions? Hmmm...I'd really like to be successful in life! I'd like to have a secure job, own a nice house, nice car and I'd like to enjoy this with a family, one day. No rush! I just take life as it comes and enjoy each day as they're given to me. I am currently in College where I am attempting to pursue my goals. At the current time, I am taking Electronic engineering which is a 3 year course (4 with co-op) and after that I may take computer programming. I know those two will be a great combination and with my knowledge, hopefully I will be able to start a successful business. I'm the entrepreneurial type!



Email me at zephyr_1998@yahoo.com
Feel free to visit any time.

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