Hello all. This is the official site of me, Zak. This is just your normal everyday website. I am trying to learn how to do this site building stuff. Anyway, I will stop babbling so you can go about your business. Have fun!!! This site will show you all of the positive aspects of living in suburban America. Who am I kidding....this site is going to be about nothing. That's right boys and girls, this wonderful place called Geocities has given an idiot like me permission to make a website. So I am going to capitalize on this opportunity to create this thing that I hope (one day) will maybe look like a website.

Who is this Guy?
My Views On Life
Pictures, etc.
From the mouths of Swedes

oh yeah, just so you know, this page and everything in it is mine. all my views, all my words, all my opinions (except for the Swede rants....thank you for contributing, guys). it is not necessarily the view of geocities, yahoo, or any of their subsidiaries. nothing may be used without my permission. any questions or comments, mail me at pink_elephant1@yahoo.com.