Welcome To My "Everything" Page

Well... almost everything

You are visitor number: since August 3, 2000.


As I said above, "welcome". My name is Tom Lyttle and I am 20 years old. I going into my sophomore year at Oregon State University, home of the beavers, where I am currently studying for a degree in Exercise and Sport Science. With this degree I plan to attend medical school and become an MD in some type of sports medicine. I spend the school year up in the rainy but beautiful northwest but I was born and raised in Hawaii on the island of Oahu, in the small friendly town of Kailua. I attended Enchanted Lake elementary for the first years of my education and then once I had completed 6th grade I transfered to Punahou School where I started by repeating 6th grade because I was "born late" (according to the admissions office). I graduated from punahou in the class of 1999. High School was a lot of fun, for the most part. There were those times though. Anyway I was on the varsity swimming team all four years of high school. I started swimming again (I did little kid swimming...along with little kid soccer, and little kid baseball... everyone does little kid soccer right) my freshman year because of water polo. You can get more info on my involvement in swimming and on the sport in general including tips, workouts, sets, etc. on my swimming page. I played waterpolo for three years, stopping after my junior to try kayaking, which I loved. By the summer of my sophomore year I had shifted from waterpolo being my primary sport and swimming being the extra conditioning to vice versa, and my swimming really started to blossom (again read more about this on my swimming page). Kayaking was very fun and I am extremely happy that I tried another sport before leaving for college. In the fall of '99 I flew up to Corvallis, Oregon where I started college. My first year was insane, intense almost from the start. I met a lot of new people, made tons of new friends, had a blast, worked my tail off and, all in all, came home with a lot of memories both good and bad (thats what makes life so interesting, getting both the salt and the pepper). As with swimming I discuss college in more detail on my college page.

to cars page

to my.... do you even have to ask? ok, to my college page.

Here is a link to my triathlon page. See Tom in action.UPDATED RECIENTLY

This links to my paintball page. See the team! UPDATED RECIENTLY

* This has been a lyttle production and is always under construction*

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