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->ICP & Pro Wrestling= Awesomeness->

Wut up my Juggalos, Juggalettes, and Wrestling fans? well this page is wack as hell right now, but I'ma work on it to make it decent.

Hi I'm Jerichorules. Or better yet, I'm KillerCorndog, and I'm here to kick yo' a$$. I am engaged to a wonderful guy, Dallas. I am in Grad school at UW and an studying communication and teaching Public Speaking. The pic below is my KillerCorndog sign.

I signed up on 03/04/98 21:39:02, but I'm still working on making my page better. I want to send my thanks out to my buddy Wayne G. for putting the pic up! Of course, that's moi with your Role Model, Mr. Chris Jericho!!! Over 4 years on the net, and my page still sucks! *L*

My friends include one friend who wants to marry Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley. Oh yeah, did I mention he's out of his mind? *L* Plus my Juggalo friend. He's wacked out and mad hyper, but he's cool as hell. And his lil' brother is also my homie. I also have a freind who lives in Georgia. She has a good job down there and has a lot of guys to choose from!

So back to wrestling. I try to go to as many events as possible, and here is a list of my accomplishments:
Spring Stampede (4/19/98)
WCW Monday Nitro (4/20/98), (7/20/98), (8/3/93), and (8/16/99)
Thunder (8/5/98)
WCW Saturday Night Taping (8/17/99)
WWF House Show (9/11/99)
WWF SmackDown! (8/23/01)
WWE House Show here in Laramie, (9/15/02)
WWE Raw (9/16/02)
WWE Vengeance (7/27/03)

At the House Show here I got to meet Tommy Dreamer and got to hug him. He signed my action figure and my sign! He was really cool. But Steven Richards was a jerk and said I was fat and he called me a bitch! One of these days in a dark ally he won't make it out!

Now...for the real good stuff. I am trying very hard to be a good JUGGALETTE. The picture down below proves it! Plus I have the Riddle Box tatoo'd on my calf, so I really am down for life. I got Carnival of Carnage a while back on the inside of the same calf. Just got Ringmaster and will be getting my Milenko tat very soon. The Insane Clown Posse rules. Violent J and Shaggs have some great songs, with some great messages behind them. The Sixth has come to deliver the final message. Shangri-La was sweet, and Hell's Pit is mad wicked. If you've never heard any of ICP's music- you are missing a lot. But hey, it's your loss. I got to meet Twiztid when they did an autograph signing in Fort Collins, CO. They were cool as fuck... I asked Madrox to sign dis... dis clit! They were awesome! The show was great, I even split my eyebrow open when crowdsurfing.
I went to the Gathering in Peoria. It was crazy. I got to meet Blaze and ABK. I pulled the same line about signin my clit on ABK. I entered the Miss Juggalette Queen Contest. But I left it cause I wasn't gonna get treated like a piece of meat. I was crushed cause all i wanted to do was win that shit. I wrote my own lyrics to Ice Ice Baby, juggalo style. But the skank who won it wasn't even sportin any Psychopathic shit on Sunday night! It was more like the Miss Juggahoe Bitch contest to see who will suck AA and all the other judges' dicks the longest. But just like Steven Richards, if i ever find that Juggahoe in an ally, light or dark, she won't come out.
ICP did an in-store in Colorado Springs. I got ta meet them and it was da shit! Shaggs signed my "juggalo version" bible and i told J how much i luv him and Shaggs. It was on my birthday which made it even more special. I got to talk to Blaze on September 14th 2003 in Fort Collins, CO. He is one hell of a cool guy. ABK did an in-store in Cheyenne, WY and he was cool as hell too! And I want to send out MCL to all of the cool los and lettes I've met... whether it be at the mall, at the Gahtering, or on message boards, I luv ya all. And to those I haven't seen in forever... we'll meet up again. And to those I haven't met... soon.

That's it for my page. Pretty pathetic, but I guess it's the fault of the maker of the page. =) One of these days I'll know how to make it cool. But for now you have to live with this. Everyone visit often, tell your friends to visit, and maybe someday I can get my visitor number into the double digits!

Links to other sites on the Web

Hatchet Rydas Car Club like wut!
Twiztid's Official Site, Muthafoucka!
ICP rules!

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