

Hi, I'm txawjkaus Vaj

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Long cheng Base at Region II, Laos


Bane Namon Neoi.

As I closed my eyes and sit on the table, I recalled my memories of my homeland in Laos. I could vision and picture the country, the place where I was grew up and spent my childhood, the images came to my mind. I saw my village that was in the middle of a very beautiful, green valley with hundred of tall trees surrounded it. The dark blue mountains that stood across the village not far from town. It was the place where I lived after the Pathet Lao Communist defeated us from Phou Bia mountain. It also was the place where the possession of wealth that brought our lives happiness and also the place where I spent most of my childhood life with my very young, beautiful, fresh, and warm girlfriend. My village lay across a big mountainside where the sunshine could not get through it in the early morning. It was surround by small creeks and a big river where I and my girlfriend usually went to swim together. Down the hill were green grass and many beautiful rice fields.

In the morning when I got up, I could smell the fresh air and hear the song of little birds singing from every sides. As the sun rose, weak sunshine lay cold on the old gray frost everywhere, the dew drop from the foliage onto the small paths. From not far away of my house, I could see squirrels chasing each others up and down from tree to tree as we, the children, played hide-and-seek. Every moring I used to sit in the front of the house watching the wind blows and watching the birds perching on the tall tree waiting for the warming shiny sun to come. some time, I saw my girlfriend walked to the creek to carry water with a bamboo basket. I usually went after her when I saw her. I was now 20 years since then, but the images still are in my mind.

I recalled the time I and my girlfriend went together to the farm and helping each others to do the works. We usually farmed side-by-side talking to each others with smilling. At night after dinner it was nice and beautiful outside. The moon was full and shining through our village. the sky was full of stars and clear. It was the time I usually went to talk to my girlfriend. The most popular game that we liked the most was "the mouse harp" (ncas). I usually stayed talking with her until mid-night and then came home to get ready for the farm for the next coming day. During my spare time, I some time went with my girlfriend to work on the farm all day.

Due to God's heartless, I left her behind and went to Thailand. She cried for me for three consecutive days. Whom I loved the most during that time and now. Suddenly, there was a sound "honey, what's wrong with you" waked me up and my memories was gone. I opened my eyes. I was sitting on the table. I am in the US. Where is she now? in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Under Construction


The picture below was given to me by my uncle Leutenant Wangkai Vang. It was a post-card.
Longcheng "heart of the Hmong"

questions or comments, please e-mail me at txawjkaus@geocities.com OR txawjkaus@hotmail.com



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