Come ~ Walk with me
...welcome to my world ~ ~ watch the magic begin....

I am Vulkn.

with the scarf from m'lady

On the ninth day of the second month,
in the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred ninety and eight,
I began my residence in this abode.
Slowly, with time, I shall claim it for my own, ..feel free to visit, to come back often...
and share with me.....for you I have created this home..

.....and always remember.....
Take care...because I care

Pause..for a moment in your long journey,
.... your quest for adventure or truth ....
I bid you follow a path below, to discover in pictures ... legends in art ...
stories in music and more about m'lord

..A few choice pictures of me, Vulkn..with more being added...
and some of my vast collection of treasures

..Once Upon a Time.........stories woven in words and pictures from m'lady

..a favorite I love.....The Accolade

..another favorite picture
La Belle Dame Sans Merci: The Beautiful Lady Without Mercy

..Medieval scenes...each telling a story

..Wizards, Sorcerers, Magicians......Magic

Have you wondered who you would have been in a Medieval Kingdom?
Check out Kingdomality

..Curling....a sport for all ...
*in the process of being constructed*

Please, kind wanderer, sign my guestbook that we friends might always be

Those who have entered my time, land, and dreams...
pray give them their words

A New Song has been added,
one that reflects the peaceful serenity of life now....
Reunited, when we never should have parted
Please tenderly touch the rose.
[How Sweet it is]

© 1997

M'Lord, and his lady
ask thee to return often......
and bring, thy imagination.....
and let us dream...together

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