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Jump For the Cause 2002 -
A Benefit for the City of Hope

The Skybytch was born many years ago. She discovered her true self in early 1990 when she threw herself from a perfectly good airplane over Paso Robles, California. She jumped nearly every weekend for the next few years, picking up a static line JM and I and a senior riggers ticket along the way.

Today the Skybytch works for a major skydiving equipment dealer selling parachutes to jumpers worldwide. She loves her job, after all, they pay her to talk to skydivers about parachutes!

Besides skydiving, the Skybytch's passions include reading and writing. She enjoys reading fiction of all kinds, especially sci-fi. She is the Southern California reporter for Dropzone.com

Check out her article Safe Skydiving which was published in Skydiving Magazine in January 1996.

Looking to buy new gear? The Skybytch's new book, "Gear Up! How to buy skydiving equipment" will be available soon! In the meantime read Choosing your Container.

Need a writer for your next project? The Skybytch is available for freelance work

You can find links to the Skybytch's favorite skydiving web sites on the skydiving links page. Some of the Skybytch's favorite non-skydiving websites are on the other links page.

If you're just here to see some pictures, take a look at the following pages.

The Skybytch thanks you for dropping in! Bookmark this site and come back often - she'll be adding new articles and links on a regular basis.

Lisa Briggs

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