You Are
Fool In The Rain

You are a very bizarre person, to say the least. You don't think the way most other people do. And you probably don't really care.

You defy convention, and probably really like burritos. And you're very content with your life. You're a ray of sunshine. Piercing, bizarre end-of-the-world sunshine, but sunshine nonetheless. While most people are going to college to be lawyers or accountants or something, you'd be just as happy working at Tippy's Taco Stand in San Dimas, CA.

You probably have a really interesting car. You definitely do not drive a Honda Civic. There's a good chance that you smoke weed. There's a good chance you sell it.

Everybody worth anything likes you a lot.

Take the Which Led Zeppelin Song Are You? Quiz

Take the What High School Stereotype Are You? quiz, by Angel.

The Dead RockStar Test
Find out which Dead RockStar you are @ Useful Idiot.

I'm a shy, sensitive punk rocker, the most artistic of them all. I'm Kurt Cobain!
Click here to find out which Nirvana grunge rocker you are!

Which Random thing are YOU?

Sadly, You are Generic Macaroni and Cheese. You are either very
cheap, or poor, or your nearest supermarket is a
Dollar store. You are pretty plain looking. And not that
yummy either. But, sometimes, life hands you a rough hand.
You have to keep playing though.

Take the What Kind of Macaroni and Cheese Are You? Quiz
Created by LJ User RobProv222

You're the HREF tag- you need someone to lean on and take care of you. You can be shy but you shine in difficult situations.

How can I label you?

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What Color Eyes Should You Have?

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What kind of punk kid are you?
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A different quiz, what strange type of person are you?

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