The oldest RC club in New England is based out of Enfield, CT.
currently NERCAR is using the Enfield Motor Sports parking lot
for it's races as well a hosting races in conjunction with NEAR at 106
Racepark's permanent facility in Pembroke, NH.
To Enfield track.
To the Enfield, Conn. race site at Enfield Motorsports. Take Interstate
91 to Exit 48 (Rte. 220) Take Rte. 220 East apx. 1 mile to Palomba
Drive, (just past State Line Plaza) on your right. Turn right (south) onto
Palomba Drive to Enfield Motorsports on your left just before the
post office.
To Racepark 106
To Rte. 106 Racepark take Interstate 93 North from the Mass.
border to Exit 15 (Rte. 393). Take Rte. 393 to first traffic light. At
light take a right onto Rte. 106 South. Go 2.8 miles to Clough Mill
Road. Track is located on the left next to Collectibles of Auto Racing.