Welcome to my Custom Action Figure Webpage! I started customizing close to 2 years ago when my computer's hard drive crashed and I had to wait close to 3 weeks for a replacement. I was going through an issue of Toyfare, when I came across a contest for customizing figures in the Batman Animated style. That's where it started, I created my first custom of Aztek, which wound up placing in the contest, and kept going from there (even after I got the new hard drive). Enjoy the site! -Rich D. 12/21/99 UPDATE 5/14/00: Added a new page for some odd wrestling customs CLICK HERE .All photos were taken by my beautiful wife Grace. |
Green Lantern (Alan Scott)- Made with a BTAS Dick Grayson figure. I used a Jurassic Park Alan Grant arms, Gladiator Cape, and the tops of push pins for the medalions on his cape. The rope connecting was found plastic. The lantern was from a Hunchback playset with plastic tubing cut & glued on the face. Painted with Acrylics & sealed with Dulcoat. |
Aztek My first custom (descibed above). I was goofing off at work & put this together. Somewhat inspired by the hasbro starwars page where the debuted the new figures on that funky green grid. To see the recipe please click here to go to the JLA Watchtower. |
The Atom (Ray Palmer) Used a Super Powers Flash for the body. A Star Wars Rebel Trooper Vest which I cut in the back & filled with milliput. Hair was made with Sculpey. For more info see the recipe at the Animated Titans Custom Site |
The Atom (Al Pratt) Inspired by the series drawn by the late great Mike Parobeck. I used a Secret Wars Doc Oc body with a Spiderman Animated Series Shocker head. I filled the head with Milliput & sanded to a smooth finish. Painted with Acrylics & sealed with Dulcoat |
Green Lantern (John Stewart) Made with a Laser Superman & a Monroe head from Congo. For a more accurate recipe & some really cool GL customs visit the GL Corps Custom Site |
The Grey Ghost My favorite character from the BTAS Cartoon. I made this with a BTAS Joker, a Mr. Freeze head, and a Jurassic Park Alan Grant head. Milliput was used for the breast plate. The cape was from a Razor Skate Robinwhich was cut & glued with a MOS Superman cape. Airbrushed with Acrylics & Sealed with Dulcoat. |
Etrigan The Demon Inspired by the JLA Paradise Lost mini series. Etrigan was hardly shown except for a small picture, which I based this custom on. Made with an STAS Superman with a Gargoyles Hard Wired Lexington head, I sanded all of the extra crap off of the head & filled the areas with milliput. Got the spiked bands from a Ghost Rider figure. The cape is from a STAS figure & a Legends of the Batman figure. Painted with Acrylics & sealed with Dulcoat. |
Mercury Mercury from the Metal Men was made with a Hunchback of Notre Dame Clopin figure. I dremeled & sanded all of the ecess from the figure, built up the facial features & chest area with Sculpey & the sealed it with Milliput to reinforce & strengthen. Airbrushed with Acrylics & sealed with Dulcoat |