First came extreme skiing and adventure racing, but nothing would prepare the world for...

Berkeley X-treme Croquet

Croquet on Steroids

This sport, born in the twisted minds of the Sladek and Sladek Nowlis families, became an annual experience beginning in 1999, a harbinger of the new Millennium. At this website, you can learn a few things about the history of Extreme Croquet, the Prozac-like version on which it is based, and the adventurous souls who put it all on the line once a year at the Extreme Croquet Championship.

To learn more, follow any of these links:

Original Croquet History, Rules, and Other Resources

The National Extreme Croquet Organization, with Links to Other Regional Chapters

Extreme Rules

Extreme Championship 1999

Extreme Competitors

Extreme Awards

This website was created by Josh Sladek Nowlis on 15 December 1999, and was last updated on 8 January 2000