<BGSOUND SRC="stairway_to_heaven.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>


Just a little bit about me before you see me.

Click here to see a picture of me just chillen!

Just another picture of me

This is me and my first red shirt....Crip for life.

This isn't a good picture of me...but it is me at the MTV snow in snowboarding last year

This is me as a baby...wasn't I cute?

Ok this is some pictures of my boyz.

Me in that movie "Eyes Wide Shut!! =)

This is me with a shaved head!!!Don't worry I am growing it back

This page is for the females I know.

This page is for my family... =) Love ya!

This is my Car........Isn't She a beauty!

This is a picture of the pets I have.. Sorry my rottie isn't on here.


OK...this page was just updated on Febuary 22th.If this page offends you in any way....good. no for real though. I don't think I put anything on here that would offend anyone. I added alot to this because I am goingto Tai-Land for a month on the 26th.Boy that should be fun...ya....right. well that is it for me.
see ya

Much love to all my boyz!

Gerald Lee Derr III
you will never be forgoten!


And don't forget to check out this page too.

Jackies Page

You are guest #

I figured why the hell not..so have fun with this.