My name is Dale ,  I was born and raised in Queens NY and moved to Nassau County L.I. in 1991. I have an older brother named Mark (age 42) and an older sister Kay (age 39)and My mother lives in Jackson Heights Queens. Im of Italian desent on my fathers side and English and Hungarian on my mothers side. I come from a long line of intelligent goal-setters and hard working professionals.

Some of my hobbies and interests include: Music, travel, dancing, camping, beach, amusement parks, health/finess, playing guitar, drums, singing/songwriting, long drives/walks, stimulating conversation, playing sports, and generally enjoying life to its fullest!!..... I've been described as being very ambitous, outgoing,  friendly, honest, caring,  adventurous, romantic/passionate, and all round nice guy....... my e-mail is TallAndSmart@AOL.COM

I work in the wireless communication industry, Its a very exciting field to be in because everyone is going wireless! I benefit from free cell-phone service and help people save lots of  time and money with a FREE cell phone with free nights & weekends.

I believe that no-one is above common courtesy and I speak intelligently without a Long Island Or New York accent. (thanks to my mother from the mid-west) I also believe that you should treat people just the way you would like to be treated. Doing nice things for others will come back to you one way or another. And Honesty really is the best policy.

I live in a town called Franklin Square (near the Belmont race track bordering Garden City) Im only 35 minutes to Manhattan by train, (and only 5 minutes to Queens) its a very quiet town......

Send me an e-mail to the following: 

I always love getting e-mail and meeting new people so you're invited to contact me ANYTIME ..... ...... Let me know what you think of this web-site......

I look forward to hearing from you !!!!!!!!!!
Dales Web Site