Welcome! Sports has always been among my favorite subjects. That is why i have chosen this template for my homepage. If you are looking for sports facts then maybe you are at the wrong place but I have put in a bit of sports trivia to do justice to the page. But this site primarily is for me to tell you whats up in my life and whats not. So, please take a look around and enjoy yourself. Hope to see you back soon! |
Sports and Recreation Avenue - Where sports and outdoor enthusiasts replenish their lifeblood
Augusta - Golf and the finer side of the fairways
Baja - Four-wheeling, SUVs, off-roading, adventure travel
Colosseum - Sports and recreation
MotorCity - Cars, trucks, motorcycles
Pipeline - Extreme sports
Yosemite - Hiking, rafting, and the great outdoors |
I like to meet new people in the GeoCities chat rooms.
Meet the Community Leaders in my neighborhood. They're a lot of fun. |
Now for the sports trivia I promised 1) The person who was nicknamed Professor in Formula One racing-Alan Prost 2) The Great White shark of golf-Greg Norman
Whats up in my life I have joined TSMG as an associate consultant in Mumbai. Sounds good-right.
Moved into a new flat on 18/07/1999. Nice place. Its a 2 bedroom, hall, kitchen set up and its fully furnished. |
Whats not up in my life The training program in IBM is a little bit boring
I dont have a girl in my life
Like my page? Dont like my page? If the answer to either question is yes then Email me! [tkjacob@yahoo.com] |