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Hello! Welcome to **Aggressive Skaters Society**! (Formally known as "Javier's Aggressive Skating Realm!) Here you'll find many things to help you be informed about the world of aggressive skating. Inside will be many features to let you navigate around and get to know the sport better. It is one of the fastest growing industries in America....so get to know it...eventually you'll hear about it somewhere. So have fun...and if you see that something doesn't work or you want to see something that's not here....feel free to e-mail me.


What's happenin'??

There's a new skate company out called USD, which stands for Upside Down, and I've got exclusive photos of their pro skates right here!

Javier De La Fuente Jr.

Javier De La Fuente Jr.

What's New!!
Click here to find out about what's changed since you've been here last. If you have. If you haven't....you've been missing out! Click Here to see any new changes.

This is the place to hear about all the happennings in skating. Updated all the time and very accurate!

This helps you learn that trick you're trying to get down. It has animations of pros actually doing the trick and tells you how. Pretty helpful, huh?

This is a page dedicated to girl skaters...because they're so cool. Anybody who has pictures of Dawn Everett..give them to me!! Bye.

Here is a list of mailorders that you skaters can call to get free catalogs to order your skate stuff out of. Most of them probably cost money but no more than three dollars.

Skate Forum
This is a forum where visitors can post messages while replying to others. In the end I guess it helps everybody. I think. Oh well just use it it's cool.

Skate Terms
This is my newest section that tells you what things mean in skating. If you're new to Aggressive Skating itself, you might want to go here.

Skate Chat
I put in a chat room where skaters can talk to skaters about anything. All you do is type in a name to use and your E-mail address...and you're chatting! Soon I'll get a schedule for people to meet there.

NISS Schedule
This is a section for the dates and locations of all the National Inline Skate Series competitions. They're all accurate too. I promise.

1998 Skates!
Here it is. The information you've been waiting for. All the new skates for 1998. Updated with every new skate. Even if it's not out yet I'll have information about it straight from the maker.

Ramp Plans
Click on this link for the best ramp plans you've ever seen. I'm not lying. These are actually builder's blueprints. The instructions can't get any clearer!

Skate Movies
This has about 12 .avi's of all the pro's doing their best tricks. They're all pretty good so go ahead and check 'em out.

Skaters' Profiles
All of the information on Pro skaters in the industry today. This would be the place to find out info on your favorite skater.

Skatepark Finder
Going on vacation? Want to do something a little more exciting on your trip than what your parents are?? Find a skatepark across the country with this section.

Pro Pictures
This displays all of the Pro Pictures that I have into a Java Intel Photo Album. Just watch and the pictures will automatically change in a really cool way.

Skate Logos
These are all of the skating logos and emblems I've come passed on the web. Feel free to use them and distribute them in any way you like.

Web Rings
These are the web rings that I've joined. If you like aggressive skating I suggest you click here to see other cool skating sites!

About Me
I strongly suggest that you don't click here. It's the most boring thing you will ever see. That's right....it's about me. Well, click here if you want! I just figured that at least somebody would want to know who made this nicely constructed page.

This is the famous section that's on everybody's page. Links. Here I have links to other skate pages..skate companies..other pages..and about everything else. I'm still adding to it, that's why it's small.

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since March 1, 1998