Hi and welcome to my webpage! Salut et bienvenue à mon site Internet! Basically, all I have right now is pictures from the summer. I have TRIED to make the descriptions of the pictures bilingual... But remember, I'm just a damn anglophone - mon français n'est pas très bon - but I am trying to get better! So feel free to laugh when you read some of my French captions, I'm sure a lot of them are not quite right. Also, please so not be offended by anything I have written - I am always just joking!!! And if I have the wrong name with the wrong person, or have spelled your name wrong, please don't get mad - it's an accident, I just have a bed memory! Let me know and I will fix it right away. Oh yeah, and sorry about all the ads! And please remember to s i g n m y g u e s t b o o k when you are finished looking around!!! Here are the pictures, I hope you like them! I know I do... Animators in Vegas - Des Animateurs à Vegas Vegas Girls - Filles de Vegas Who Wants to Be a (Sexy) Millionaire? - Qui Veux Étre un Millionnaire (Sexy)? The Animators Again - Les Animateurs Encore une Fois Baked Expectations The LLL's - Les LLL's Hubbly-Bubbly Waiting for the Bus Downtown - Attendant L'autobus en Ville The Lover Serenades His Lady - L'Amant Donne une Sérénade à Son Dame Another Cute Couple - Un Autre Couple Mignon And Another One - Et Un Autre Oh, and Another One - Oh, et un Autre The Cutest Couple of All (hehehe) - Le Couple le Plus Mignon de Tout (hehehe) On the Double-Decker Bus - Sur L'Autobus Britanniques Ollie On the Boat - Sur la Bateau Party at the Teacher's Place - Soirée Chez la Prof Foxy Ladies - Des Dames Sexy I'd Walk a Million Miles for Three of Your Smiles - Je Marcherais un Million Miles Pour Trois de Votre Sourires Spanky and his Ladies - Spanky et ses Dames Yikes - Sois Effrayé Party at My Old House - Soirée à Ma Vieille Maison Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Les Filles Veulent Juste de S'amusent A Beautiful City - Une Belle Ville O Canada! Grand Beach Aurora The 200A class - La classe 200A Yet Another Cute Couple - Une Fois de Plus, un Couple Mignon These Friends of Mine - Quelques de Mes Amis My Family - Ma Famille Janine
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