Kustzeilen in theory
created         : 25 april 2001
Last updated : 27 june 2002
Last actions : Improving the Hobie Tiger, Fox, FX-one mast hook system. Addition of ISAF small  cat rules (homelinks) Addition of new Texel rule for 2002 calculator,
"Kustzeilen" ,

in the Dutch language can be loosely translated into "coastal sailing". It is a name that is often used for small (beach)craft sailing along the Dutch coast. Mainly with beach catamarans. On this page however, the name will be used to describe all wind powered sports encountered on the Dutch beaches. Sports like Landyachting, Kiting, Kite sailing, dinghy sailing and catamaran sailing

This page is not intended as a all incorporating website for these sports. All these sports have there own websites for that. This page is far more a personal publication board and will focus on my personal interests and technical aspects which are encountered in these sports.

Who am I ?

I started out in cat sailing in 1996, before that time I sailed slow recreational monohulls since I was 12 yrs old. Soon after that I made my first stunt kite, followed shortly by three powerkites for buggy riding. Recently I've bought two landyachts. My scholing background is the field of Mechanical Enginering (University of Delft)

A Warning

All information on this website is composed with care and consideration using my background and personal experiences. This however does not garantee truthfulness or dependability. You should always use your own common sense when applying this information to personal projects and you should always double check facts. The only thing I can promise you is that I have or will have enough confidence in the info supplied that I already have or will use it in my own projects. I will also immediatly rectify any info that is proven to be in error.

Name: Wouter Hijink
Home Links:
(made by wouter Hijink)
Protocol to be observed with kustzeilen documents
Photo's of the new hobie FX-one, will later be expanded with more photo's
Improving the very nice Hobie Fox, Tiger, FX-one mast hook system.
The general behaviour of thrust and heeling forces produced while sailing at any given speed. An HTML page.
At what speeds and courses does a boat capsize rather than pitchpole. A mathematical analysis.
Go to webfolder containing the Beta release of the Build-your-own-Genaker-setup document en photo's
Contact Info:
When you want to contact me or want information about sailing issues go to the forum page at www.catsailor.com and call my name.
Download the zipped genaker.doc itself (with vector drawings, without photo's)
Online excel sheet showing the big effect of watercurrents on the performance of  a cat around a race course.
Homebuildable catamaran plans
A describtion of the ISAF small catamaran handicap rules.
Boyer / Goodall Taipan 4.9 catamaran
Online Excel sheet calculating the Current Texel 2001 Handicap number for your (modified) catamaran.
Woods design Pixie catamaran
Woods design Quattro 16 catamaran
Online Excel sheet calculating the New Texel 2002 Handicap number for your (modified) catamaran.
Paper Tiger 14 ft. catamaran
Rodney Marsh,Terry Pierce and Reg White ; Tornado 20 ft. Catamaran (They are around but I haven' found them yet on the web)
Online Excel sheet calculating the ISAF Handicap number for your (modified) catamaran.
Introduction to the F16 High Performance  formula class. This formula is now being developped by several sailors in the USA, Aus and EU
A-class A-cat designs, 18 ft. catamaran
Unreviewed  links
How to sail through the surf on a beachcatamaran. (under construction)
Bill Roberts : Spinnaker snuffer patent
The Skiff-Catamaran paradox or how Topspeed isn't everything.
Tom Speer : Wingmast aerodynamics
Jim Boyer : Sailing with a wingmast
External links , Reviewed
JSD : Airfoils and Airflow
The Official F16 HP webpage : A "get involved from the start" class for catsailors. Including rule making
Jim Champ : What happens when you put the kite (genaker) up ? Forces and values based on Cherub Skiff design
WB-sails java race simulator; learn to make proper tacks on windshifts using your race compass. FUN !
Wb-sails LTD : SailpowerCalc a java applet that calculates forces, moments and speeds of sailboats based on a few simple measurements.
Phill Brander' webpage; a good source on homebuilding cats and parts
Rick White's Catsailors forum : the best small craft forum there is.
Wb-sails LTD : News page (Page dealing with thet have found by more (windtunnel)
Mark Michealson's : Ultimate beach catamaran guide; For starters
John Shuttleworth : Multihull design considerations for seaworthiness
Aeronaut press : Homebuilding with composites
49-er organisation : The sailing properties of the 18-foot and 49-er skiff.
Carlson : Hull design programs
Rolf Nilson' : Quattro 16 building project
The international Hydrofoil Society
SPS systems ; Resins and other composite products also formulae.